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  1. E

    Montana 2025 Legislative Session

    I also asked for the amendments on both bills so that the bills would pass.😁
  2. E

    Montana 2025 Legislative Session

    FYI, I co-signed both 450&763 😁
  3. E

    Montana House Bill 676 - This could sell off 1.25M acres of State Trust Lands - that's almost 25%!!! This is not the Homesteading Bill

    Already did that. Kept a bill alive in the house that goes a step beyond PALA, the program will be part of BMA, but specifically pays for access to landlocked parcels. The reason it passed the house is on account of my asking for an amendment to the program, which the sponsor agreed to.
  4. E

    Montana House Bill 676 - This could sell off 1.25M acres of State Trust Lands - that's almost 25%!!! This is not the Homesteading Bill

    The other thought in my mind on this is that the monies gained by sale of inaccessible state properties possibly can build a pool of money for the state to use to purchase a like number of acres (no net acres gained) for the public. The possibility to purchase better places with access to...
  5. E

    Montana House Bill 676 - This could sell off 1.25M acres of State Trust Lands - that's almost 25%!!! This is not the Homesteading Bill

    The reason I voted for it: these sections have no legal access. If sold at fair market value(FVM) the interest earned is more than the lessee payments. Not a bad deal.
  6. E

    Thin the herd!

    From what I've been told HB562 will have a much better chance of making it thru, as the fiscal note will be more palatable.
  7. E

    Thin the herd!

    My 2 cents. NR’s are part of the problem. R’s are part of the problem. I don’t like the number of NR’s I see in 6&7, I also don’t like the number of R’s coming to 6&7. For now pick your region if off the table. Mandatory reporting is off the table. It’s difficult at best to determine...
  8. E

    Montana 2025 Legislative Session

    To me it was unbelievable the opposition to mandatory reporting. I heard “I don’t want anyone to know where I hunt” to “there’s to much govt in my life, I don’t want more “. My response was, “how can we Manage wildlife without data?”, fell on deaf ears. Even when I said...
  9. E

    Montana 2025 Legislative Session

    As to the cow elk problem in certain areas. I’m at the point of last 2 weeks general elk season thru Dec 15-30(pick your day) cow elk only, in areas above objective.
  10. E

    Montana 2025 Legislative Session

    I haven’t had time to review 404, so you’ve more knowledge about it than I do at the moment.
  11. E

    Montana 2025 Legislative Session

    Ca Call Or text. Emails are mostly unread as we are getting 100’s daily
  12. E

    Montana 2025 Legislative Session

    Not certain, perhaps an amendment will be forthcoming
  13. E

    Montana 2025 Legislative Session

    While I dislike that we now need to regulate shed antler hunting as much as anyone on the planet. I dislike the fact we NEED to even worse. It’s a pathetic bunch of ego driven DUCKZ that have ruined it for all. In R6 we have a handful of guys torturing rut worn winter weary mule deer out of...
  14. E

    My FWP Hunter Survey

    It’s nothing to worry about, there’s nothing to see folks. Swamp gas. We already have a factor to negate the appearance of discrepancies with discretion 🙈
  15. E

    What The Hell is Science-Based Management?

    Science, SMIENCE. When factors x and y are the problem, and A & B the solution, solve the fricking problem. We proved this point a while ago in Billings 🤔. This is cowboy for what Gerald so eloquently pontificated.😁
  16. E

    HB 139 - Creating restrictions on the closure of mule deer buck hunting during the general rifle season in November

    In this order, show up in person, call your representative, text the committee. Email is better than nothing, barely. We get hundreds of emails. Appreciate your representative. This is community service for the most part.
  17. E

    Montana 2025 Legislative Session

    email is convenient, but phone call or text may be more effective. my legislative cell 648-7494... just dont call or text me to death or i will block
  18. E

    Montana 2025 Legislative Session

    I will do my level best to advocate for OUR resource. Remember this going forward, I will have information I can’t share, you may not always agree with my decisions, but I will advocate for resource first management.
  19. E

    Montana season structure proposal 2.0

    My plan is to institute some sort of meaningful change to give OUR mule deer a chance to recover from 40 years of overuse and abuse.
  20. E

    Montana 2025 Legislative Session

    Agreed. In this day and age one year of unchecked, unfettered hunting and the area/unit/east side of Montana, can be shot out in a single season.
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