Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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  1. Wapiti Warrior

    Big jump in MT harvest numbers, 2016 to 2017. What's up?

    I know a guy who did the survey for FWP and he had another note pad of his own writing down information on where hunters saw and/or shot elk. After he told me that, I am very vague on what I tell FWP callers. I don't lie just tell them what district I hunted and what I saw but no specific...
  2. Wapiti Warrior

    wheres BIGSKY, did he drown

    Big Sky, why don't you fly fish? Just curious.... John
  3. Wapiti Warrior

    What do you think?

    Watched this deer do this for hours. When I walked up to it, it almost ran over me and then went back to doing the same thing even with me standing 20 yards from it. FWP says they didn't detect any known diseases and were not sure what caused this deer to act like this? What do you think? I...
  4. Wapiti Warrior

    Taking a kid to Church

    Good job Dad and Son! Memories forever.
  5. Wapiti Warrior

    This is what I would do if I drew a sheep tag.

    Awesome story. Thanks for sharing.
  6. Wapiti Warrior

    This is what I would do if I drew a sheep tag.

    I hunted that same area 8 years ago, by myself and loved it! Did shoot an ok ram with my bow the second week of the season. Can't wait to hear more of your story, it brings back great memories. John
  7. Wapiti Warrior

    First boat at 64

    I have had a bad squeeze bulb that wouldn't allow enough gas through and this caused the motor to not have any power. Once I changed the bulb out the motor ran fine. The old bulbs didn't like the alcohol in the gas. John
  8. Wapiti Warrior

    Marsupial Gear Bino Harness... I like it

    I just returned the Badlands mag because of the loud clicking noise when you closed the lid. I am all about quiet, what material is this marsupial made of? I have been looking for a good quiet bino case for a while and just haven't found one. Thanks, John
  9. Wapiti Warrior

    Anyone here made the switch to trad?

    I switched to a long bow for a few years, but like others have said; you need to practice a ton. I practice with my compound all summer and that isn't enough for a traditional bow (at least not for me). I love shooting the traditional way and hope to get back into it. But practice, practice...
  10. Wapiti Warrior

    "Debunking the Creation Myths of America’s Public Lands" – John D. Leshy

    Very interesting. and good information on the history of public land.
  11. Wapiti Warrior

    Wednesday's Word...

    Always good advice! Thanks, John
  12. Wapiti Warrior

    Landscapes (pics)

    Not USA but where I spent a couple of weeks this winter sailing around the British Virgin Islands.
  13. Wapiti Warrior

    Bow hunting with a shoulder injury

    I had rotater cuff surgery 2 years ago and the one thing I told my doctor and my PT was I want to shoot my bow. So my PT set up my rehab with that in mind and we worked on the mechanics and muscles for pulling a bow. I was shooting my bow with in a year. John
  14. Wapiti Warrior

    Looking for new bino harness need suggestion!

    So how does the harness work with another backpack or daypack. It would seem 2 harnesses stacked on top of each other would be a hassle? Thanks, John
  15. Wapiti Warrior

    Goose Decoys

    MT Muley, I tried sending you a PM but your in box is full. do you still have goose decoys? John
  16. Wapiti Warrior

    Weekend hunting geese and ducks.

    I'm starting to realize this goose hunting is going to be costly..... But I'm up for the challenge! ;-)
  17. Wapiti Warrior

    Weekend hunting geese and ducks.

    First time duck hunting and only the 2nd time goose hunting, I'm hooked! Now I need to find some used decoys. John
  18. Wapiti Warrior

    winter/snow hunting pants

    Thanks for all the input. I have just started wearing gaiters and have fallen in love with them, no matter what boots I am wearing. John
  19. Wapiti Warrior

    winter/snow hunting pants

    I have been hunting with old heavy wool pants all my life when the weather turns cold and snowy. But they are starting to wear out and thought maybe it was time to update my gear. What do you recommend for a guy who likes to hike, but occasionally sit on a ridge and glass? There are so many...
  20. Wapiti Warrior

    Found a Bighorn Winter Kill in Idaho

    If you find a dead Bighorn, what do you have to do to keep it. Other than get it plugged by FWP? I would think you would want to photo the heck out of it and the area plus gps it. Just curious, John

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