It seems like every year I have grand plans of burning points and doing special hunts, but at this point I always come back to the feeling that if I do one of these hunts with my points (or take my Dad with his points) that I am taking opportunities away from taking my sons hunting with me. My...
$4k doesn't seem out of line to me. People are willing to pay $2k for a special elk tag alone without the cost of points. Heck..people are paying $1200 for antelope.
$1000 would be a gift to you for 5 points.
If serious, I would consider a tiny house instead. Much better insulation. I lived in one for a bit while we were looking for a house in the dead of winter in Minnesota. It is now at the hunting land and is our hunting shack. We got ours basically for the cost of materials because an area...
A light rain is good any time of year.
During the rut, it doesn't matter what the weather is, cold, rain, snow...they only care about one thing. Certainly some weather gets them moving better. I find a light rain to fire things up more. Some of my best hunts have been in the...
I shot a whitetail a few years ago that had been shot in one of the hind quarters. When we were butting him up, we discovered the wound and there was a bunch of green pus in it. We tossed that quarter and kept the rest. It tasted just fine and had no issues with it.
One thing to keep in mind is that higher end scopes tend to have better coatings on them. I had a 50mm scope on my main rifle that I took off and upgraded to a VX-5HD. My 50mm failed me with glare at a critical moment that I don't believe my new scope would've had an issue with. The 50mm...
Just thought I'd update this thread with my experiences since I referenced it while looking for a new camera, and I have finally found a good cheap one I like. All of these cameras are non-cellular.
I have run several different cameras in search of a good one.
The gold standard from my view...
I'm thinking about ordering a Weatherby Mark V Hunter (probably in 308) in the not too distant future. It gives the option of Action Blue Printing for $250. I am not a gun guru so I was hoping to get your thoughts on whether this is something that is worth it? If it is, I will spend the extra...
My son will be old enough to hunt Idaho in the not too distant future, and I am in the process of beginning my research for tags he can get.
New Mexico has no minimum age and seems pretty straight forward other than difficulty getting drawn.
Idaho comes up as a next state to be ready for...
This is clearly photoshopped. This is the same sequence of photos from the one with the mountain lion following the elk....
Whole series here:
I've only done one. Did a bit over 10% split between the guide and the cook. Presumably, there are other hunters in camp, so give more to the guide with the assumption that if each person gives to the cook, they should end up with a good tip overall too.