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    100 % Venison Burger is Blaw

    Lets face it pure 100 deer burger just does not have that hamburger or sirloin ground taste. This past year when I butchered a deer I made some deer sausage by adding fresh pork to all the deer burger. I could not get enough natural casing so I packaged the remaining sausage mixture as loose...
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    Find the White Acorn Food Lots and you will find deer

    Deer and turkey love the taste of white accorns. Even our native americans use to eat the white accorn because they are sweet. Hunting strategy hunt in areas that have a bundance of white accorn on the mountain side or in woodlots and you will find deer and turkey. Hunt where the red accorn...
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    Pennsylvanians Please Join PA Predator Hunters Assoc

    Recently our own Penn Game Commission was going to make daytime coyote, fox, bobcat and coon hunters wear orange when calling. You seasoned predator hunters all know how bad this would have been. We have a young new organzation that step forward and help defeat this. The organzation the...
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    Small Game Hunting Ethics

    It is not ethical to shoot a sitting rabbit, duck, or ringneck. However it is ethical to shoot a ruffed grouse sitting. Would I try to flush a grouse before shooting if I had the chance? No Way They Are Even Hard To Hit Sitting Still! LOL LOL It would be ethical to shoot a sitting...
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    Strategy to harvest Ruffed Grouse or other game birds

    All birds when they take off fly into the wind. A good strategy to remember when you hunt is to keep the wind at your back. When a game bird takes off instead of flying away from you it will fly toward you. You will have a few more seconds to make a shot.
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    What light set up do you use for night time hunting?

    Thank You Doug for posting your method. I wish some of the other predator caller would post their night time shooting methods so we all could learn from them. Maybe there is a young or a new predator hunter that will hang in there if they half know what they are doing out there.
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    Your Favorite Predator Call?

    You are correct all hand predator calls will call in predators. However there have been 100's of times when using an electronic call for 30 minutes that nothing comes in. You do a a few minutes of mouse squeak or puppy whines on a hand or mouth call and the fox is there right in front of...
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    PA Predator Hunters Assoc wants to hunt coyotes and prarie dogs?

    Any good info where our organzation can go on a predator hunt? We are looking for the yr 2005 time frame. Heard outside of Vegas would be a good place to hunt predators.
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    What light set up do you use for night time hunting?

    In Pennsylvania it is against the law to have a light attached to your gun. We can not use lazers and we can not use night vision scopes. We have to use a hand held light. Now the hand held light can be operated by the caller for the shooter. Many people use a spot light that is first...
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    Your Favorite Predator Call?

    I have them all open reed, closed reed, hand activated, etc, My favorite is major Boddicker Crit-R-Call Pee-Wee, Standard, and magnum open reed calls. Talk about making a call talk. You can do everything on the Crit-R-Call. What call is around my neck when I hunt predators? "The Crit-R-Call!"
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    What Did I Call In?

    Danny Outstanding info on other predators eyes. I will have to remember what you said about bear eyes being green. I have called them in the daytime but not at night. The bear populations in PA are on the increase. UB
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    17 Remingtion Center Fire Now That a Real Fur Gun

    Did you ever have a gun or caliber that you would not part with. That is how I feel about the 17 Remingtion Center Fire. I wish Savage would come out with a model 24 rifle shotgun combo in the 17 Rem Center Fire. They Could Call It "THE FOX GUN!". LOL
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    Cicada 2004/Their Here.RRRRRRRR!

    This is the year of “The Great Eastern Brood”!!!! Brood 10, the largest and most widespread of the periodic cicada emergence! Sometimes referred to erroneously as the 17-year locust, brood 10 spreads across at least 13 states. Over the next few weeks the wooded areas you frequently visit in...
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    What Did I Call In?

    Using a Red Lens Light You can tell what the predator is that is coming into your calling. Using a yellow lens or white light the eyes all look the same. "WHITE". Red Lens: Red Eyes like burning coals in a fire. Red Fox Red orange tint eyes grey fox and or coon Eyes like...
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    Who's NEW ?~?~?~?~

    i'm new to this forum. Looks real good too. A lot of different topics. Outstadning job! UB
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    New to the boards! It looks great!

    Looking forward to learning and providing info to all about hunting and the great outdoors. The web site looks real nice.
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    17 Remingtion Center Fire Now That a Real Fur Gun

    if anyone sells their fur. The 17 Remingtion Center fire is an outstanding fur gun.. A 25 grain bullet there is just a small entry hole. The fox, coyote, coon, and or bobcat pelt (fur) is not destroyed by the bullet. Small entry hole, explosion inside, but not exit wound to rip the pelt...
Caribou Gear

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