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  1. M

    Baiting Bear Help

    Anise is a great long distance call too...always had great results with it.Used cooking oil is even better when used to deep fry seafood
  2. M

    Thoughts on a Bear hunt.

    Big 28 hunter I've known Don an George since the late 60's.Good folks...affordable hunt.
  3. M

    Big Ones (photos)

    Enjoyed goin thru all these again an the new Father like Son.Congrats to all.
  4. M

    DIY Maine moose

    Hey Mtlion....I'm headed down the deep south for a few mths to work.....I'll catch ya when I get back.....maybe we can both get drawed.:D
  5. M

    Mt season over

    Trapped the hell outta yotes for yrs and weighed every biggest ever was a 47# male.I bet a wolf born in the spring would weigh that in the early fall if not more.
  6. M

    Doing it again........

    You're my inspiration Mooseman.....the old woman has to mace me to get me off the couch.
  7. M

    DIY Maine moose

    The september week is usually the best week for the full blown rut.The only bad thing about moose huntin this time of yr is we still have pretty warm weather.We generally pack coolers full of block tape them shut and fill the moose full when you get him loaded.Get that body temp...
  8. M

    DIY Maine moose

    Like most everyone has already said here....drawin a tag is the hardest.A lotta moose in this state.And some awfully big bulls.Lots an lots of very knowledge outfitters.If you wanna DIY.....and I'm not workin away somewhere.....I'd be more than willin to help you any way possible.I live near...
  9. M

    The legend continues....

    That be the one....Thanx Mr Spitz for postin this.
  10. M

    The legend continues....

    There's a spot about a mile from my house here where a old power line runs up along the river.A spot we have always hunted is at pole #9.Perfect place to sit....little stream crosses 200 yds before it dumps into the river.Both sides of the stream are thick stands of jackfir and cedar.I shot a...
  11. M

    Hungry bears

    Been feedin bears for a month now.32 baits out all gettin hammered.Fed out 75 buckets of meat an grease an over 30 barrels of donuts.29 hunters comin over the next 4 weeks.Got 3 bears on trail cams that go over 400 lbs.....1 that may go 500.Life is busy....but it sure is fun.Been away from this...
  12. M

    Its been a long time....

    LOL....bout time you and Mrs Moosie had a girl.Congrats to you both. Mine are 19,17,15,and 10 now.Girls in the middle.With 3 teenagers,its tuff to get computer time here.
  13. M

    Its been a long time....

    sure spent some time here back when.Nice to see some familiar names again.Hope all is goin well for everyone. How many kids do ya have now Moosie?Ya must be up to at least 8 by now.:D I'll be back again soon....been travelin the country workin on boilers tryin to keep my 4 younguns fed,clothed...
  14. M

    Anyone here from the north woods of Maine or New York?.........

    How are you doin my fellow Mainer?Long time no chat.
  15. M

    14 years today.....

    Congrats to you God bless you Mrs Moosie.:D
  16. M

    Anyone here from the north woods of Maine or New York?.........

    Hey DS....hope all is well. I'm from Penobscot County Maine....bout 6 hrs north of Boston.Been in Florida the last 3 yrs....but am movin back up there within the next mth. We have thousands of acres of private land owned by timber and paper companies to hunt on....but what you have been told...
  17. M

    So where the heck is....

    Thanks Wiley....been so long since I used mapquest I forgot about the zoom button.:D Anybody got any info they can give me about this place like size of town,motels,restraunts,etc? Thanks in advance for any info.
  18. M

    So where the heck is....

    Rowley Junction Utah.Is it small enough so they never bothered to put it ona map or what?
  19. M

    Don't know the story...big lion!

    Moosies was Northern Florida.Lots of lions and it was cold as heck there last nite.Low 60's I heard. Gato....that guys name is Haysusse or Jesus,somethin like that.He's got the best dog pack in Cuba.:D
  20. M

    Hello stupids!!!!!

    Mr Nut...good to hear from you.Hows you an the Missus Vipe doin?Is TE still the buck slayin youngster he was how ever long ago it was....or is my sense of time completely shot an he's all growed up? Your welcome Cameron....I'd give money I dont even have to hear Moosie tell anuther like it.:D...

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