This post if I get it up took a considerable amount of effort since I have been limited by the moderators. I feel it is important enough to take the time. If FWP continues to allow unlimited tags you will see access continue to get shut down with landowner-hunter fatigue. I already know of two...
I am struggling with the outrage of a fishery administrator being dismissed vs what has happened to the wildlife side? I don’t want to hijack any threads but why are people suggesting we have to vote for democrats for better wildlife management when they were at the helm for half my life and...
Whenever I take pictures through my spotting scope, they usually end up looking like this.
Is this a limitation of the cell phone camera?
What is the best system of getting clear photos of wildlife?
As big game general season has officially closed who else is as excited as I am? Hopefully everybody has safe travels back to western Montana and their respective state of residency. 2023 is officially in the books!!
Was doing some house keeping tonight, (which means going through some stuff that was about to get the axe) and I found this gem. My hunter education instructor had given it to me when I took the class. I know I have read it several times growing up but I read it again tonight. I hope they...
Don’t know if this has been posted.
The sad thing about this is it’s just not the licensing department that is...
In light of @FoodIsMemories optimism that giants still exist in every mountain range in Montana. I would love to know the last legit Boone and Crockett mule deer someone has seen or shot on public land in Montana. I will go first I have hunted close to 30 years and I have never seen a legit...
I’m curious as to how bad we are screwed. I’d like to know what everyone’s opinions of what Montana and Montana hunting should look like going forward. Especially on public land but not limited to. Personally I look at Newberg (Minnesota) and Rinella (Michigan) and wonder if maybe these aren’t...