Yeti GOBOX Collection

Search results

  1. Hockaday2017

    Alive At 25 - Once In A Lifetime Sheep Tag

    Earlier in the week I was at lunch at work when my phone went off with an email from CPW. I opened it up fully expecting to see exactly what I already knew. "Your Rocky Mountain Goat application was unsuccessful." Well of course it was I thought. After reading the email I decided to check my...
  2. Hockaday2017

    I drew a once in a lifetime sheep tag at 25. Now what?

    Somehow by the grace of God I managed to pull a Colorado desert sheep tag for 2024. 1 of 14 resident tags statewide. The fun now begins. First off, I have from October 1 - December 29 off of work due to my first child that is due October 8. Great timing I know. However I have the most...
  3. Hockaday2017


    What does everyone use for radios in the woods?
  4. Hockaday2017


    Debating on getting orthotics. Custom Vs. Off the shelf. Whats the verdict?
  5. Hockaday2017


    This picks up where part one left off. If you haven't read part one you can find it here - Chapstick: Whether you use chapstick regularly or not it can be a great thing to carry. I don't hardly ever...
  6. Hockaday2017


    “I should carry more in my kit.” A phrase said in every first aid kit walk through video ever. What's stopping you from carrying more? Is it because you are a lightweight junkie? If so, ask yourself this question: Is a couple of ounces worth my life? The answer is always NO! “Well, ounces make...
  7. Hockaday2017

    Budget Yeti Hopper

    Murdochs makes a cooler that is identical to a Yeti Hopper. The Murdochs version cost $100 per cooler VS. Yetis $350. I flew 50 lbs of elk to my in-laws in Texas last year in 1 cooler. After the 2 hour flight we landed in DFW threw the cooler in the bed of the truck, spent several hours in Fort...
  8. Hockaday2017

    Rain Gear?

    What does everyone use for rain gear?
  9. Hockaday2017

    Over Annealed Cases?

    I worked up a load for my 6.5 PRC that was amazing. Hornady cases, 57.2 Grains H1000, 147 Grain ELD-M shooting 2970 FPS with under 10 FPS E/S shooting Sub .25 MOA. The thing was an absolute tack driver. I took it out and shot cinder blocks from 850 to just over a thousand yards pretty easily...
  10. Hockaday2017

    Packing Sheds Horseback?

    Planning on taking horses into an area for shed hunting. Does anyone have experience stacking/packing sheds in panniers to get them out? It'll be the panniers that go over a regular saddle not the pack saddle style.
  11. Hockaday2017

    6.5 PRC HELP!

    I Have a Bergara 24'' 6.5 PRC. Ive been working on handloads using Hornady brass and Hornady 147 ELD-M's with H4831sc and Retumbo. I chronographed them today and they were as follows: 54.0 Gr H4831sc CCI 200 Large RIfle Primers 2.860'' COAL - 1100 FPS 58.8 Gr Retumbo CCI 200 Large RIfle...
  12. Hockaday2017

    A "kid" wanting to buy land.

    Last year I bought my house and the 20 acres it sits on here in Northwest Colorado. There is another 5 acres for sale that borders me that I would like to pick up in the spring. I am 23 now so thats where the "kid" reference in the title comes from. My question is is there a way to roll that...
  13. Hockaday2017

    Snakes in Tents?

    This has been a hot topic at work lately amongst us who backpack in so I figured why not ask here for everyones experience. Has anyone ever had a snake find their way into your floorless shelters? Stories?