Earlier in the week I was at lunch at work when my phone went off with an email from CPW. I opened it up fully expecting to see exactly what I already knew. "Your Rocky Mountain Goat application was unsuccessful." Well of course it was I thought. After reading the email I decided to check my...
Somehow by the grace of God I managed to pull a Colorado desert sheep tag for 2024. 1 of 14 resident tags statewide. The fun now begins. First off, I have from October 1 - December 29 off of work due to my first child that is due October 8. Great timing I know. However I have the most...
This picks up where part one left off. If you haven't read part one you can find it here - https://www.hunttalk.com/threads/what-should-i-carry-in-my-first-aid-kit-answered-part-1.317624/
Whether you use chapstick regularly or not it can be a great thing to carry. I don't hardly ever...
“I should carry more in my kit.” A phrase said in every first aid kit walk through video ever. What's stopping you from carrying more? Is it because you are a lightweight junkie? If so, ask yourself this question: Is a couple of ounces worth my life? The answer is always NO! “Well, ounces make...
Murdochs makes a cooler that is identical to a Yeti Hopper. The Murdochs version cost $100 per cooler VS. Yetis $350. I flew 50 lbs of elk to my in-laws in Texas last year in 1 cooler. After the 2 hour flight we landed in DFW threw the cooler in the bed of the truck, spent several hours in Fort...
I worked up a load for my 6.5 PRC that was amazing. Hornady cases, 57.2 Grains H1000, 147 Grain ELD-M shooting 2970 FPS with under 10 FPS E/S shooting Sub .25 MOA. The thing was an absolute tack driver. I took it out and shot cinder blocks from 850 to just over a thousand yards pretty easily...
Planning on taking horses into an area for shed hunting. Does anyone have experience stacking/packing sheds in panniers to get them out? It'll be the panniers that go over a regular saddle not the pack saddle style.
I Have a Bergara 24'' 6.5 PRC. Ive been working on handloads using Hornady brass and Hornady 147 ELD-M's with H4831sc and Retumbo. I chronographed them today and they were as follows:
54.0 Gr H4831sc CCI 200 Large RIfle Primers 2.860'' COAL - 1100 FPS
58.8 Gr Retumbo CCI 200 Large RIfle...
Last year I bought my house and the 20 acres it sits on here in Northwest Colorado. There is another 5 acres for sale that borders me that I would like to pick up in the spring. I am 23 now so thats where the "kid" reference in the title comes from. My question is is there a way to roll that...
This has been a hot topic at work lately amongst us who backpack in so I figured why not ask here for everyones experience. Has anyone ever had a snake find their way into your floorless shelters? Stories?