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  1. B

    Shotgun barrel bulge.

    I pulled the franchi affinity 20 gage out of the gun cabinet yesterday. And noticed a bulge in the middle of the barrel. A perfect ring and the barrel flaring out towards the end. The choke tube looks okay it thread's in and out and the others go in with out a lot of play.. l was on a grouse...
  2. B

    Just purchased a 1894 win 25-35.

    I just purchased a 1894 26" oct barrel chambered in 25-35 made in 1902. The rifle finish is gone wood is dark. The seller says the action is tight no buggerd up screws in shooting condition. Bore is fair to poor. I want to do a restoration on this. I paid 850.00 for the rifle. Anybody know if...
  3. B

    Stupidest thing you've done reloading

    I was doing load development for a 270 win and a 30-06. I just got done loading imr 4350 and was loading up some H4831sc. When I went to dump the powder I emptied about 1 cup of the h4831sc into the 8lb jug of imr 4350. For the last hour I've been picking H4831out of imr4350. And I think I've...
  4. B

    Kimber rifles and full bedding

    Okay this is going to be a long post please beware. I'm looking for some actual experience with light weight barrels and bedding. I sent pac-nor my Kimber 8400 in 270wsm for a 1-8 twist. I gave them 2 dummy rounds to chamber it. 150gr speer btsp and the new 175 sierra game changer loaded to max...
  5. B

    Any advice for spot and stalk spring bear

    Well I finally drew a bear tag for the bitter creek south unit of the Book Cliffs. Anybody have any advice on the road and snow conditions in that unit in early April? Also any tips a newbie at spot and stock black bear would help a feller out. Thanks