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  1. N

    trick my rifle...

    Here's a question for you gun nerds. I have a Tikka T3x stainless 30-06 with a VX2 3x9 Leupold on it. Besides a sling and a $40 limbsaver recoil pad, it's as it came. It has worked just fine for every rifle hunt I've been on which includes an annual deer stand sit and a western hunt every 2 or 3...
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    NIB, 308 Taurus Expedition, threaded, for sale

    New in Box, 308 Taurus Expedition bolt action rifle, threaded. $550 shipped to your FFL. It’s a feature rich rifle, read about it here: It’s brand new but I’ll post a pic later anyways.
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    Boot lifespan? Danner Pronghorns not holding up

    How much mileage do you get out of a pair of boots? I bought a pair of Danner Pronghorns that blew apart in under a year which was replaced under warranty with the exact same pair. Pair number 2 has two hunting seasons under it's belt, including a western hunt which was wrapped up in 3 days...
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    Favorite wild game finger food/appetizer?

    I’m looking for some fresh ideas to bring to a holiday party, where I can make it at home but serves up well later. I’ve done meatballs and chili before but looking for something else. Ideas?? I’ve got elk and deer in the freezer but ideas for all game welcome.
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    taurus expedition... anyone with experience with this gun?

    I just won one of these in 308? Most likely going to keep it NIB and stick it in safe til I or someone I know has a use for it. Anyone with first hand experience of them? Are they decent?
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    Iron site graduations on rear ramp

    I’m looking to adjust iron sites on 870. I was trying to google my question and didn’t turn up the answer. There are graduations on the rear ramp. A scope click is typically 1/4” at 100. Do iron sites like these have an expected distance a POI should shift at 100 yards? I’m just trying to cut...
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    Recovered bullets

    Got any? Any good stories? I’ve had nearly all pass throughs so don’t have many. Pictured are the two I’ve recovered. A 165 grain federal trophy copper 30-06 I dug out of the hillside after a broadside shot on a mule deer and a Barnes 50 cal TMZ I recovered out of a rear ham from a frontal shot...
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    Help finding shooting technique video/trekking poles

    I think I remember a video where @Big Fin uses trekking poles combined with a tree in some creative way to make a solid rifle rest in the field. I’ve looked through the old videos for ten minutes and didn’t turn it up. I don’t know if it was within a hunt or a video about field shooting...
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    Maximum point blank range and sighting in at particular distances...

    I use a Tikka 30-06, shoot 165 grain copper and a 3x9 scope (no dialing for me) for all my big game rifle hunting. This is not some target rifle, but what I would consider a pretty general purpose hunting rifle. I am not a shooting guru that is tinkering with handloads, not using chronographs...
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    What is this thing for?

    I don’t know when I got this but was in the back of the gear pile. It’s lined with a plastic or some sort, perhaps cordura outer, and has clips. It would be horribly designed if it was a cooler bag. Any idea what its intended purpose is?
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    sighting in at a low elevation for a higher elevation hunt

    Not sure the right forum category, but I figure the reloader/ammunition nerds might have a good answer to my question that was stimulated from this video: I'm trying to learn from @Big Fin mistake described in this video. For those that don't want to watch, he sighted in at 7000, and missed a...
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    Lost zero after knocked scope

    Ok, question for you all. I was out with my 22 and wiped out hard walking down a steep slope. Fell straight on my back, and my Leupold hit first. Mud up in the glass, etc. No longer hits where I’m pointing… like 6” off for 25 yard shot. It still seems to be mounted correctly and firmly, no loose...
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    I think I want a pistol

    I don’t have one, don’t need one, but want one. Since it’d be my first, 22lr seems logical. What would be your recommendation for plinking and maybe taking a grouse. What are the dependable, good value makes and models I should look at? Always been partial to revolvers but nothing against semi...
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    Shooting with iron sights… good resources?

    Shot BB guns and 22 with open sights a ton as a kid and switched to scopes for most things as an adult. Gonna get back into it a bit next trip at range because I may have a decent hunt opportunity this fall in which I’d likely use my 870 rifled barrel with iron sites. Looking for any reading or...
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    upland strap vest recommendations?

    I use a traditional upland vest I like most of the fall, but it can be warm early season, so I'm looking for one of those strap vests where there isn't much upper body material besides the shoulder straps. My dog drinks a ton, so besides being orange and holding dead birds and some ammo, good...
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    Transferable skills... whitetail to elk

    It'll be a few years (2-4) until I will chase elk with a bow again. My first trip, I drew back twice but did not let an arrow fly. Learned a lot. I have good archery whitetail hunting opportunities locally (midwest), and can get a couple tags. I'm thinking I can use the next couple years to...
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    how much do you spend on a round of trap/skeet?

    I have nowhere convenient to throw my own regularly as I'm in a bigger city. Went to do a few rounds of trap. Paid 10 for shells and a round of trap was $14 (!). 24 bucks for a round of trap that takes less than 10 minutes. Cripes! How much does it cost you for a round of trap? Are you a...
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    E Collar lifespan?

    I have a Dogtra 280C that is about 6 years old. The collar and remote both have power, but collar stopped responding to remote. I tried re-pairing it. That process does not work. I'm going to call customer service and hopefully they can figure out a solution. I've replaced the batteries in...
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    Over thinking chokes is always fun: What chokes for pheasant and grouse in a double barrel?

    I saw @BrentD wrote on another thread "Over thinking chokes is fun." So hopefully this will be fun! I have my grandpa's 16 gauge Winchester model 12, that had a fixed full choke. I didn't use it much because it pummeled birds, so I had a gunsmith open it up to IC this last year, and used it...