Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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  1. Hydrophilic

    119th house rules - transferring federal land

    NYT article reporting on a house measure Friday (119th congress rules) that makes it easier to transfer federal lands to the state. The article mentions it’s happened in the past. Does anyone have history on how often this measure has been implemented in the past...
  2. Hydrophilic

    On midwestern ground - A Great Depression buck - intro to hunting blinds - A reminder hunting blind - Into the mist - remnant trout - uncertain future

    I had a hard time thinking of a title and for some reason a Cormac McCarthy style chapter heading made sense. I’ve grown up the in west and have hunted vast acres of public land my entire life. Most hunts involve miles and miles of legwork and occasionally sitting on strategic crossovers...
  3. Hydrophilic

    Decolonizing conservation - shortcomings of NAMWC

    Here are a couple recent articles I found interesting (Gathered from Decolonizing Conservation, key takeaways -Need for...
  4. Hydrophilic

    Google Earth Timelapse

    Search for area of interest to compare satellite imagery from 1984 to 2020 Development example: Phoenix, AZ 1984 2020
  5. Hydrophilic

    Missed Opportunities: Hunters and Environmentalists

    Hunters can, at times, find themselves in an awkward position. They benefit greatly from a public land system which places the 'common good' over private exploitation and maximum profits. Hunters also benefit from 'The Public Trust doctrine' which, again, places the 'common good' and 'sustained...
  6. Hydrophilic

    Non Profit Land Acquisition - what are your favorite organizations?

    A few areas I hunt, fish, or hike used to be large parcels of private property. At one time these parcels were acquired by a non profit and either held as an asset, or donated to city / state / federal government. Because of these past actions I have been able to form memories which would...
  7. Hydrophilic

    Habitat restoration for deer - share your stories

    Would be great to see what folks are doing to be part of the solution for declining mule deer populations. Degraded habitat and loss of habitat are a component of the decline. Let's hear some stories or see some pictures. Whether its volunteering on public lands or improving habitat on private...
  8. Hydrophilic

    Condor Reintroduction Exciting news in my opinion. More big news for the Yurok tribe which will also see the Klamath dams removed in the near future if everything goes according to plan.
  9. Hydrophilic

    Hunters need a new public image Between the African trophy kills that always make the news, the smoke a pack a day rhetoric, the poaching, the camp litter, the deer heads tied to truck grills, the anti science rhetoric, etc. We need to rebrand!
  10. Hydrophilic

    Webinar - fish recolonization nearly 10 years after White Salmon River dam removal

    “Join researchers Ian Jezorek and Jill Hardiman from the US Geologic Survey and Joe Zendt with the Yakama Nation to learn the latest about fish recolonization nearly ten years after the historic removal of Condit Dam on the White Salmon River.” Wed, April 24 7:00 PM Free...

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