Reflecting on an epic season, that started here in California and hit a couple of our border neighbors. My pup Nelli is in her prime and she had the season of her career. We kicked things off in September chasing ptarmigan in the high country, finding birds around 11,000 feet. After that, we...
I’m taking off on 1/1 to start off the New Year right. My pup and I have hunted NV but never as north east as we plan to go. Our goal is to get into some huns and of course good dog work. We just got back from AZ last week, so it’ll be a bit of a weather change. Curious for those more familiar...
Made it out for the first time to try and chase these guys, they were introduced back in the 70s and have since made some roots in the high country. Out here our tree line ends around 10k and is about where it’s rumored these birds live. That being said, all I found was some old sign and that’s...
Hunted some beautiful areas this weekend and today from the sierras to the border counties and what I saw was really low birds numbers and largely hold overs from last year. One example was an area that held multiple coveys totaling >200+ birds had a showing of 5. My theory is moisture and the...
So I drew a third season deer tag but it looks like I can hunt an OTC bull elk tag and or maybe a leftover cow elk tag which the wife would love (favorite meat) can anyone weigh in on if it’s worth the out of state fee? If one gets after it is there opportunity or is it a LONGGG shot of seeing...
I drew one of the depredation tags around western Wyoming, I know each year it’s getting harder but I’m just stoked to be holding the tag. Gonna have to hire an outfitter due to wilderness issues, should be a fun adventure. Thanks for reading folks and I’ll keep everyone updated.
With Arizona results going back and forth and me losing interest because I never draw I was shocked when I got a letter in the mail revealing I got a 6a late rifle tag. This is my first “big” tag and I’m psyched to give it a go. It’s also my first bull elk hunt, so I’m really looking forward to...
I am currently running a CZ Sharptail SS 20 gauge and enjoy it. That being said I plan to add to the quiver and am Leaning towards the franchi elite in 20 gauge. Goals are a lighter gun I can throw a strap on so I can take it for long arduous walks, I’d like the mrs to be able to shoot it for...
So until this year I’d only ever previously dabbled in upland. But this year I went all in and we got a GSP pup, so it was our first season learning together. I sent her to get some training before the season when she was roughly 9 months and then we started sept 2nd. I hit the dove opener...
Alright so who takes the cake; I came to hunting later in life and largely been on the side of big game and have recently got more into upland and waterfowl. This last week I’ve run into a couple guys in the middle of nowhere Nevada chasing Chukar and I’ve gotta say they’ve been some of the...
I’ll start out by saying yes I know and agree range is largely genetic and you can’t make a 50yd dog a 400yd dog unless you’re the one running away. However I have a GSP in her first season and she seems to have confidence issues, checks in a fair amount and doesn’t want to go too long without...