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  1. B

    Archery sights with rangefinder?

    I know they are not legal in Montana, but has there been any discussion within FWP to entertain the discussion to make them legal?
  2. B

    No antlers - but freezer full...

    First time I've ever been tagged out for elk in a season. Cow1 was a week ago - beautiful day and my buddy and I got into a heard of about 75 elk with ~15 bulls/spikes. There were 3 bulls bugling at each other and 2 other bulls sparring - very fun to see the first of November! I harvested...
  3. B

    Daughter's Montana bull...

    Earlier this year when it came time to put in for tags, I decided to go ahead and apply for either sex elk rifle tags for my wife and a couple of my kids in the district we typically hunt. I apply for the 900-20 tag for archery only myself. I figured it would be a 3-6 years before my younger...
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    Opening Day Blunder in MT

    We all love hearing about the successful hunts, but there is also good learning opportunities from those of us that make mistakes. I was bow hunting last weekend (opening morning for elk archery in MT) with my 18 year old daughter in central Montana on public land. We walked less than a couple...
  5. B

    Elk are socially distanced on federal land...

    I had the opportunity to fill a shoulder season tag on the last day of the season last week and was pleased to discover the elk on the federal land were wearing masks and socially distanced 6-10 feet apart! The herd on the private ranch just across the fence were in a large herd not socially...
  6. B

    Drew 411-20 in Montana

    I was fortunate enough to "cash" in my points and draw 411-20 in Montana for this year; I'd been building points with an eye on the Breaks, but purchased a small cabin and 20 acres in the Little Snowies a few years ago. I've hunted the area around Flatwillow Creek the last few years - primarily...
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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