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  1. U

    Jacket- Heat Dump and back sweat ?

    Just came back from a slow stroll wind bumping some whitetail bedding area, it’s 32deg, WNW wind 10 mph with gusts to 20ish. I put 1.4miles on the boots, dressed on the lightside, baselayer top, mid layer insulation and a Spider wind resistant jacket with zero zips for dumping humidity. Came...
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    Red October

    I live in the unsalted world of Michigan who annually travels to Alabama for a two week vacation with my wife. I literally fish 6-8 hours every day, however only it’s in front of the condo I am staying at. Usually decent catch of whiting, pompano, jacks, a ray or two, lady fish, and a few of...
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    How to Red Rocks Concert

    Anyone on here experience a concert at red rocks? Looking for some insight on what to do and what NOT to do. I could rent a car or Uber. Where should I stay? Is it pretty easy to navigate crowds and seating? I would most likely show up a full day before the event and leave 2 days after...
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    October fly patterns for rivers near Dubois

    I will be making my first trip to western Wyoming October 2024. Two weeks with hopefully an antelope tag in area XX. looks like Wind River flows through Dubois which my neighbor fished many years ago one summer. Many others as well in the greater Jackson area. What patterns is recommended for...
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    What happened to Elk Talk?

    I love elk talk with Corey and Randy. As far as I can tell I’m a several episodes behind but the latest episode as far as I can tell is about 3 months ago. Is this over and done or just a break in the action for hunting season?
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    7mm recoil help

    I have a Ruger 7mm that’s been a tack driving fool, only one problem starting to rear its head, noticeable recoil. I shoot 140 grain anything as it never deviated from anything I put through it. I am 53, shoulder arthritis just past early stage, and yes, I will admit, losing meat/fat in this...
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    What gender antelope WG&F home page

    I made my first attempt at antelope hunting this past October in Wyoming. Small unit, lots of tags, very little public, Doe/fawn. I had an opportunity at the first public piece of ground within 5 minutes. In the crosshairs at 240yds, estimated 30-40 mile an hour cross wind, no shot taken. 2...
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    Anyone have a tier drop

    Any HT’ers have a tier drop camper trailer or know anyone who loves them or hates them? My wife and I back in the day always tented, even with young kids. Looking to get back into weekend camping as we are now empty nesters but really hate the thought of sleeping back on the ground. The tier...
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    What’s the formula for Wyoming mud?

    Leaving this Saturday for my first western hunt for Wyoming. An Antelope hunt near Buffalo and will be a day and a half of travel. Wanted to spend Sunday afternoon to “sort it out” but looks like 70% chance of rain. Also rain/snow in forecast for Wednesday. So my question: how much moisture...
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    Opinion for first time tag holder Wy antelope

    Greetings antelope gurus. My wife and I are holders of wyoming doe/fawn tags in the greater buffalo area for Our first ever western hunt. We drew a unit that has some public but not a lot of great access. Opener shares the same date as elk and deer. Being a pure meat hunt, an excuse of...
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    Courtesies of elk hunting?

    Virgin elk hunter here. I should draw for wyoming cow/calf for 2021 based on historical draw odds as I burned points for a Limited Unit. Yes, full price cow and I’m stoked. So anyway, coming from Michigan and my travel plans are arriving to unit late morning to scout out the lay of the land...
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    Thermos or jetboil?

    I will be dayhunting for elk this October with my wife joining me as a companion, extra set of eyes, and a meat Sherpa if things happen as I hope and expect they will(being positive). This is my first ever western hunt so this week I’m consumed with planning meals. Base camp is a house and...
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    Wyoming craft beer

    So with a pinch of luck and prior year draw odds I should be able to pull a tag for 2021. My wife and I will be out in wyoming for 12 days, mostly hunting as I am assuming it will take a bit to fill my tag. We will take a couple days off for a visit to Saratoga to soak in the hot springs and...
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    Elk, wyoming 114 gobbled up by 11?

    So my daily wyoming game and fish research indicated today that elk area 114 is gone and appears to have been gobbled up by area 11. I don’t see anything noted on the website other than missing boundaries of 114. Still new at all this and wondering if anyone has any intel? As of a couple...
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    OnX question elk area 11 Wyoming

    Curious as the elk area 11 in Wyoming on the OnX APP when panned down it shows a paper map. I cannot get the satellite view or hybrid view Am I missing a layer system on the APP? When I scroll over to other units it’s detailed oriented or normal as I see it. Thanks for help Blessings Brian
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    Best rain coat for fishing

    Looking to replace my no longer waterproof fishing jacket. Wasn’t to expensive and didn’t last but barely a season. I have used my so called waterfowl rain jacket and that also didn’t last long. I believe it’s rubber or some PVC coated exterior and the seems are getting bad. Need something...
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    Short to moderate range multi purpose cartridge for 7mmRM

    My Ruger 7mm has loved every factory load I’ve put through it for accuracy. From ballistic silver tips to rem core lokt to now Berger vlds. All 140 grain. Silver tips on white tails are dead before they fall over, meat is trashed and guts are liquified. The Berger vlds are accurate but not...
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    E scouting elk forage in desert units

    This might be a lengthy post for a couple simple questions but it will give you a bit of back ground of my questions. I was entered in my first ever draw for a late migration type 6 tag this year but had to bail A week before the draw because I’m an essential worker for a publicly traded...
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    Types of boot Soles question

    Greetings, this is not a boot brand question but more of specific boot sole for high desert terrain. Season will be mid to late October, day hunting lightweight pack and hope to come out heavy. I expect dry, frost, snow and either hot warm or cold forecasts. Terrain is buttes, outcropping...
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    Ridge wallet reviews

    Hello. Anyone on HT have a ridge wallet and care to make a review? They seem legit, small profile, pack a pile of cards and money clip for cash. Looking to replace the bifold. The are a bit pricey but I’m a guy who somewhat optimistic on something I purchase on the ontwerweb. Thanks in...