Well didn't get the thread started before the hunt started but today was opening day for us here for archery deer. Reason i didnt call it a muley thread is ive got a chance at a couple decent whitetail bucks as well when the wind is right to hunt them. Went out this morning for awhile found a...
So got a question that hopefully some of yall can give me some input on. My uncle who builds flat bows made me one for Christma, and I need to get some arrows for it. What should I get? Can I use my same black eagle rampage 300 spine arrows I already have for my compound and just put feathers on...
Well I leave Saturday for my archery elk hunt that starts next Sunday the 15th. Drew this unit last year on first hunt and couldn't believe it when I pulled it for second hunt this year. Been shooting every day and starting to pack stuff up for the trip.
Well found him again today bedded in a horrible spot with his does. Was in range of him twice yesterday but he busted out both times before I could settle my pin.
Need to see your full body bear mounts to help me decide on how I want to mount my bear from last spring. I was gonna do a rug but due to some connections I have doing a full body mount will be just as cheap for me.
Well its getting to be that time of year again for some of yall to go try your hand at spring bear. I won't be hunting spring bear this year since I couldn't pull a tag here in NM. Here's some pics from last year when i drew the valle vidal.
Well back when draw odds came out back last spring I saw green for mule deer January hunt. I have bowhunted the January hunt for quite a few years now I have some private I hunt when I dont draw. And when I do draw I'll hunt some public and private both as some of the private I hunt borders the...
Well headed to the western side if the state to hunt the last half of my elk season. Plan to stay til the end of the hunt if need be. Should get there early afternoon. This my second time to draw the unit in 5 years.
Decided to clean my 270 up and redo the stock. I left alot of the deeper scratches in it because I kinda liked them and it reminded me where it came from and also got a new custom sling for it at the same time. Used boiled linseed oil
Before pics
Well back in February I put in for the valle vidal bear hunts and a few weeks later got lucky enough to see green fo rather spring hunt. I hunt with hounds and my buddy that has hounds will be bringing his as well. Planning to go up and hunt for a week starting next Monday evening we plan to get...
https://www.wildlife.state.nm.us/home/publications/ Well the proclamation is out. Happy to see they have finally cut rifle tags number for deer in my home unit a little bit. I think 60 off one hunt and 55 off the other. Not enough but it will help some I think... Happy to see antelope hunts...
Hadn't seen a thread posted yet about so thought I'd throw this up here. I personally like it. And think it's a good thing. I just hope this don't cause to many guys to taking shots they shouldn't...
Don't know how much of a thread this will be but my bowhunt started last Saturday the 1st. Ended being nasty windy and blowing sleet and snow in the afternoon. Did end up seeing a few does and two different bucks one would have been decent but he busted one whole side off. The other buck was...
Hey jus curious if anyone on here has deer hunted on the San Juan mesa over by elida nm and if its a area worth checking out for mature bucks. If someone has hunted the area please pm me. Been scouting trying to turn up some decent bucks for my buddies hunt that starts Saturday and havnt had any...