Five Gunline barrel bedding tools
$180 shipped in the lower 48 for the set. Would like to sell as a set but may split up later.
I’m doing a bit of cleaning in the reloading room. All dies shown here are $35 shipped to the lower 48. Red Pacific Durachrome box is a three-die set of .44 spl and I imagine they’d work for .44mag too.
Top to bottom:
Hornady .300Win Mag
SOLD—Dillon .223
Dillon 650 conversion for .223/5.56...
I’m looking for a basic die set that includes a full-length resizer die and a bullet seating die. Not looking for anything too fancy. Preferably RCBS, Hornady, Redding etc not really interested in a Lee set at this time.
***Thanks for looking. Found what I was looking for.
I’ve pretty much used the same loads for years in MN pheasant and now WY chukar and pheasant. It’s been a Federal blue box 1-1/4oz load of 5 shot in a 2.75” 12ga. Results have been good but a bit hard of the meat side of birds. Especially the chukars.
I’ve shot these for years through a 870...
I bought two boxes (50pieces each=100 total) of these when it was all I could find. Paid too much for them. I’d be interested in trading these for 168gr .308” TTSX, .338” 185gr TTSX, or .338” 210gr TTSX mainly.
I reload for .223, .243, 6mm Rem, .30/30, .30-06, .338-06, .357 mag and .44 mag. So...
We have adopted a at least 2 year old dog a couple years ago. Let’s call her 4 now. A small wire hair pointer of some breed, probably Griffon. The family that had her before us said she could get out of a 6ft fence. We’ve grown to believe that. She clears our 4’ chain link with no problem or...
Recently bought this in a box of reloading supplies. It seems like a neat tool, but I don’t really need it. I have bought into the RCBS Uniflow powder measures and I’d rather try have them or the Dillon variety for my 550.
By the looks of eBay, this thing has a bit of value in it to the right...
I’ve alluded to being a new dad in a few posts this past week and figured I could also ask for a few prayers. My baby boy was born 4/18, about a month earlier than his due date. Spent that whole day waiting for his arrival and towards evening the decision was made for us. Baby’s heart rate was...
I paid way too much for these from the on-campus bookstores between 2009-2015. I found them in storage and want to get rid of them. I don’t even know what they are worth, but if you have a desire or need for any of these let me know.
.357 Sig dummy rounds. I got these thinking they were for revolvers, s they were only marked “.357” from where I bought them. Paiduy $4 per package of 5. I’ll sell them for $10 shipped in the lower 48. Let me know if you’re interested.
Looking for a Hornady Cam-Lock bullet puller with collets. Interested in the collets for .22, .24, .28, .30, .33-.35, and .44. Thanks for looking.
Edit: Found what I was looking for locally. Thread can be closed
Saw this one recently on FB and couldn’t help but share.
Two hunters are walking through the woods when they come across a large hole. It’s so deep that they can’t see the bottom. One hunter goes looking for something to throw down the hole hoping to see how deep it is.
He finds a rusty old...
A popular outdoor publication posed this same question to some of their writers. I thought this would be a fun topic posted here as many of you are thoughtful, insightful, and nostalgic. Hopefully I don’t ever see this in my lifetime, but you never know!
So, what would you do with your last box...
I completed rebarrelling two Savage rifles a year or so ago and I'm tired of tripping over parts in the reloading room. I have for sale (2) Savage .30-06 barrels. These are both 22” and of the small shank variety.
The first one came off an older flatback 110. It was drilled and tapped for iron...
I'm trying to help my brother-in-law who is looking for some dies.
He's looking for:
**Found a set RCBS 9mm Carbide set
**Found a set 6mm Remington die set
.303 Savage die set
Let me know if you have anything or a line on any!
Thank you in advance.
I was recently watching the YT video of Randy’s 2019 Nevada Mule Deer hunt with Scott Jones and noticed Scott was cooking up some bone-in venison steaks. I just wondered how common these cuts are as I’ve only ever done boneless steaks from the back straps or cut from roasts. How many people take...
I have to trim the stock down on my wife’s rifle anyways, so I might as well upgrade the recoil pad too. So what is the best one out there? I am planning on buying the Miles Gilbert fixture as well so I can do a few more for myself and then maybe for others too. Been thinking hard about the...
It seems, in my use of the search function here, that the .338-06 is more popular than I gave it credit for. I have been in the process of building one for a few years now, first in my head and then physically assembling all the pieces. My rifle isn’t a true build as much as it is a rebarreling...
Hey all!
I’m excited to be here. I grew up hunting whitetails in MN and was excited for something new as my wife and I moved west. We’re about halfway to where we want to be as WY is home for her. I live near a good chunk of public Nationals grasslands and am looking forward to getting out to...