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  1. SD_Prairie_Goat

    South Dakota elk tag, to guide?

    Anyone pulled a SD elk tag on here? I got very very lucky this year and pulled a tag. Trying to figure out if I should DIY or use a guide for the first time? Curious other folks experience out there, DM's preferred. Major points of consideration: Almost certain this is a once in a life time...
  2. SD_Prairie_Goat

    New BF Good rich KO3

    Interesting news I stumbled upon. Looks like BF has revamped the ole KO2 tire. Can't say I had complaints with the old one, but additional traction in snow would be a major plus for me and my driving style.
  3. SD_Prairie_Goat


    $200 to your door, PayPal or venmo f&f or you cover the fee for business. Great condition, comes with storage sack, can't find the stuff sack so that's missing. Always stored in the loose sack minus when in use. Compresses to nothing due to the 850 down fill. Rei site if you want reviews...
  4. SD_Prairie_Goat

    Tent repair

    Went out western SD for archery antelope and my cheap Coleman tent was murdered by the wind. Rather than getting a new pole and repairing the ripped rain fly plus base tent I decided to upgrade. Turns out better tents cost a lot of money... So I found a big agnes tent in ebay that needed some...
  5. SD_Prairie_Goat

    Hawaiian Electric Utility, operation changes due to lawsuit? Domino Effect?

    The recent the Hawaiian wild fires caused server property and loss of life. This thread isn't about that, but about what some possible outcomes may come about because of a recent slew of lawsuits served to the serving electric utility. Please feel free to read [1] for more details on a few of...
  6. SD_Prairie_Goat

    South Dakota antelope rut timing

    Hey all, When would we typically expect rut to occur in western south Dakota? I've seen rutting action during rifle season once, but not last time I was out for rifle. I figure that must put rut around Sept 15-25 ish, normally? Curious what others think, might try to chase them with a bow...
  7. SD_Prairie_Goat

    Perseids meteor shower

    Supposed to be a good showing this weekend. Peak over this weekend is supposed to be 100 meteors an hour or so. Thinking of going out to the badlands to do some star gazing. Little moon activity will help as well. Going to test out the gopro scope cam attachment and see how the night sky...
  8. SD_Prairie_Goat

    Canadian bacon recipes

    Hey all, Going to make a pork loin into a batch of homemade Canadian bacon. Anyone have a good recipe they like and want to share?
  9. SD_Prairie_Goat

    Wyoming Cow, South Dakota Whitetail

    Well, been a busy fall for me, Started a new job so I've been busy with that, haven't been on HT much but sometimes a break from Social Media isn't a bad thing. Well now onto the fall's recap for me.... Started off the year with an early season hunt in Wyoming on a general elk tag. The...
  10. SD_Prairie_Goat

    Help with Scoring my Whitetail

    Hey All, Hoping to get a little guidance on scoring my buck. I did a first preliminary pass at scoring, and I think I messed up with measuring the spreads (I'm not an expert by any means when it comes to scoring so be easy). I think I am fairly accurate with everything except B, C, and D...
  11. SD_Prairie_Goat

    Bison and grazing America's Grasslands

    Interesting article: I got hit with a pay wall, but here is the abstract: Abstract The widespread extirpation of megafauna may have destabilized ecosystems and altered biodiversity globally. Most megafauna extinctions occurred before the modern...
  12. SD_Prairie_Goat

    Prairie Goats Summer

    Hey All, Been a fun summer for me, Figured I would photo bomb the group of some of the enjoyable things I was able to do this summer: In no particular order: Started baking, French puff pastry strawberry rhubarb pie all from the garden: Made a lot of Indian dished with Venison, here is...
  13. SD_Prairie_Goat

    Pronghorn Facts

    Well, in light of highly political debates, lets talk about one of my favorite subjects, pronghorns! Here are some of my favorite facts, please add some of yours! Top speed 55mph, don't shoot at a sprinting Antelope, you'll miss :ROFLMAO: Multiple subspecies, Sonoran pronghorn, Mexican...
  14. SD_Prairie_Goat

    Gun room and carpet

    Have a spare room that already has the gun safe and deep freeze. I'm going to add a work bench for gun cleaning and what not. What do we think about protecting the brand new carpet I have in the room? At first I was thinking maybe just lay down plywood? I can't think of the best solution...
  15. SD_Prairie_Goat

    Wyoming General Elk

    I'm going to be "that guy".... I got my second bull elk tag (going to go rifle) for general Wyoming this year. (previous bull tag was Colorado, here's the thread of how badly CO kicked my @ss ) I'm hoping to bounce ideas off someone...
  16. SD_Prairie_Goat

    First time shooting out ~300yds

    Decided to test out my shooting skills at further distances, in preparation of possibly getting a Wyoming bull tag this year. I was able to get 280 yds (there was a fence preventing the extra 20 yds). I'm pretty happy with my grouping. Had about a 10mph wind slightly crossing, ignore the x'd...
  17. SD_Prairie_Goat

    Elk Sausage Weekend

    Well decided this past weekend was a good weekend to process the very last of my meat from 2021. Last untouched meat was my cow elk. I had about thirty pounds of meat so I decided to make three batches: cheddar brats, BBQ sticks, and pressed hamburgers. I got beef brisket trimming from a...
  18. SD_Prairie_Goat

    National Wildlife Refuges

    Saw this article today...
  19. SD_Prairie_Goat


    What's up with the massive influx of new members the last month or so? They all seems to drag up old posts from many years ago. Is it because application season is upon us and they are trying to get information on a unit before bolting?
  20. SD_Prairie_Goat

    Which would you pick out of the "Super Seven"?

    From Alaska Fish and Game: Hunters, what’s on your bucket list? Alaska’s Super Seven raffle is your chance to win one of the most sought-after hunts in Alaska: Lucky winners may hunt for Chugach Mountain Goat • Alaska Range Caribou • Unimak Island Brown Bear • Delta Bison • Nunivak Island...
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