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  1. E


    my apologizes, I did not realize this would offend some and for that I apologize. I have received many comments about that rifle, but no negative comments, until now
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    Africa, best bang for your buck if "horns" are your goal ?

    A family member wants to go on a "horn" hunt and ask me to call some folks I have hunted with in the past. The first thing that became obvious was that many of those who I have worked with in the past, have passed away )-; The second thing was that a Stone hunt in Canada or a Desert Bighorn...
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    I upset a feminist

    I thought some of you fellows, especially you older fellows, might get a chuckle from this Yesterday, two young women got very upset at me. One got within 1 foot of my face and was speaking very loudly I was having coffee with two other old ( ancient ) women and a young fellow pulled up in a...
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    music Friday, how about "towns" ?

    And, if you agree maybe start it off with the Mamas and Papas --Creeque Alley L.A.--N.Y.--and the fellows can enjoy a very young, very thin and very pretty Michelle ;)
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    Music Friday----Cars

    I can not be the only one who loves fast cars and loud music. Preferably together This particular tune brings back memories of time spent with my husband, a 1950 Olds convertible, and a time when we were shifting gears ( musically speaking ) from Frank, Bing, and Patsy to Elvis, Chuck and...
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    Friday music thread -----Help, Hope and Understanding

    It has been a tough year for many of us And yet in the middle of your own trials and tribulations, so many of you have reached out to help family, friends and your community. It is very uplifting to read the many posts here from so many members who have spent time with family, friends and...
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    A once in a lifetime hunt--maybe !

    I have no way of knowing what is in her future but at this time what she will receive for Christmas could very well be " a once in a life time hunt" In order for you to give me your thoughts on such a hunt you need to know-- She has hunted all the normal stuff in the U.S. ( Elk, Moose...
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    Good news--Bad news for priest in Wisconsin

    deleted----was just informed that wyodoug had started a similar thread about hunter harassment --- ( not about the priest in Wis, but about hunter harassment ) thanks for the heads up
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    I have been asked about this and whenever I am asked I always say, collect what interests you. Collectables can be almost anything and it is a bit more fun if your collecting something you like. The question was "is firearms a good collectable ? " They can be, but they do require a bit of...
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    240 Weatherby, 6mm Creed

    I have a 16 year old great grandson who has asked for one of the above. He has been using his fathers 243 and wants a 6mm, but does not want that rifle. He was also offered his great grandfathers 244 H & H but he wants something newer, like the ones mentioned above. ( for laughs he doesn't...
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    Sako 85 Finnlight II/65 Creedmoor

    Going to purchase one for a Grandson . I know the Sako product line, but never owned a Creedmoor Anybody have any bad experiences with this combination ? ( Sako 85 Finnlight II/65 Creedmoor ) Thank you
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    Wild horses/BLM land

    I recently had a conversation with a couple of politicians about this and thought before I spoke to them again, I would ask the ladies and gentlemen of this forum for their thoughts. For those who dont follow this or perhaps are not aware of the problem, please let me give you a very brief...
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    Small Pleasures

    Without a doubt 2020 has been a year for the record books ( Virus, Riots, Hurricane ) and the election is still to come---and regardless of who wins, half the population will be upset. This could be the worst year since 1918 and no Cheyenne I dont remember it (-; But amid all of this---WHAT...
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    Longest Shot on a game animal

    We had this discussion locally here and it turned out to be very interesting. I ask another member to do a search of the forum for me to see if this topic had already been discussed recently and they said it had not--but if it has, my apologizes. What has been the longest shot you have made...
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    A quick shout out to all fellow Arizonians and those who travel to Arizona to hunt Yeah !!!!!! It wont be long now. Black Bear next week and later this month things start opening up, especially for those who use the stick and string method of hunting (-: GOOD LUCK !
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    Jesus Moment

    Or, have you ever thought, wondered, or worried about your time here on earth coming to an end while hunting , fishing, camping. I recently was asked about this and yes I have, a time or two, been just a little more than nervous. A couple of the fellows I was talking to also had a couple of...
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    Africa Big Five

    I have spoken to and read about hunting preferences of the Big Five in Africa and find my preferences are different than the majority. I found the Lion to be the most exhilarating and the Leopard to be the least challenging ( excluding the small window of time allowed to take one each day )...
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    Blue Lives Matter

    All lives matter--Black, Brown, White, whatever ! But I strongly support law enforcement and military do we have those in law enforcement and military that break the law--yes. And we need to arrest them, and they should be tried before a jury of their peers ( or a military court ) Damn it...
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    Need three more tunes

    I agree with Hilljackoutlaw, the knowledge of music and musicians here is amazing-----and enjoyed. My granddaughter is making me a tape at my request with 10 to 12 songs on it. A saying goodbye tape, AND "hopefully"--hello Live like you were dying MaCraw Wind beneath my wings Midler Tears...
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    I remember a couple of fellows talking about NASCAR here on the forum . So maybe those same fellows will post their opinion. We discussed this after the recent race and congratulations to Kevin Harvick on his win! Many have ask me about Patrick in the past and I was not a big fan actually...

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