Kenetrek Boots

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  1. Big Bore

    2024 Season Recap-most fun I’ve had in ages!

    Just recapping one of the most fun seasons I’ve had in a really long time. I’m a dedicated handgun hunter and have been for over 20 years now. Like many, as my eyes have gotten older I’ve shifted over to red dots and scopes on my handguns. It’s just a natural progression of life, but my...
  2. Big Bore

    Handgun Turkey

    Had a great hunt in Texas on the last day of spring Turkey season. Shot this gobbler with my Freedom Arms M83 in 41 magnum. Hand loaded 210 XTP at about 20 yards. Walking away from me in full strut and made a perfect Texas Heart Shot. Zero meat loss and zero trailing to do. Gobble gobble.
  3. Big Bore

    Revolver pig down

    Outstanding morning in central Texas. Took this boar right at daybreak with my new Freedom Arms M83 in 41 magnum. Load was 210 XTP over H110. Shot was about 55 yards perfectly broadside and hit the shoulder. Complete pass through and about a 25 yard recovery.
  4. Big Bore

    Tagged out in Texas

    Documenting an incredible season for me that ended this week. Was lucky enough to take all five deer and one big hog with my various revolvers. First was a 7 point cull buck taken with my Freedom Arms M97 in .45 Colt. Next, a doe taken with my scoped BFR in .454 Casull. Then came a big ‘ole...
  5. Big Bore

    Old 8 with 41 magnum revolver

    I saw this buck briefly this morning and knew he was old for our ranch. He’s been spotted on a few game cams and everyone agreed he was at least 5 years old - very rare for our ranch. So I went back to the same stand and was set up by 3:00 pm. Temperature was close to 80 today in this part of...
  6. Big Bore

    Big Boar Down

    Big boar down. Well, big for our ranch considering it’s a low fence Texas hill country ranch. Shot was roughly 45 yards with my 6” FA M83/.44 magnum. Load was a 200 grain XPB over Enforcer at 1650 fps. I hit the hog on the high side and clipped his spine. Never took another step. Weighed 218#.
  7. Big Bore

    Awesome opening weekend in Texas with handgun

    Warning…a few graphic photos ahead… Had a great opening weekend at my lease in the Texas Hill Country. We are about 2 hours west of San Antonio. Killed two hogs and a doe. The first hog and doe were both taken with my 629 and hand loaded 240 Sierras over H110. The second hog was taken with...
  8. Big Bore

    Mississippi Pot Roast

    This isn’t my recipe, nor is it new, but I’ve only recently been turned on to it. It is really simple and ridiculously good. First, you start with a willing specimen to be the protein source. I chose a front shoulder from this sow I killed with a handgun the day before this past season opened...
  9. Big Bore

    WTB Kifaru Scout/Hellcat or MR Pop Up 18

    Anyone have one they can part with?
  10. Big Bore

    Question about wearing orange in CO

    I didn't know if this belonged in this Elk forum, Other Gear forum, or Stupid Question forum... Going to CO for 2nd rifle this year. Assuming I find a blind, deaf, and nose-less bull willing to coming into handgun range and I'm lucky enough to put a tag on him, am I legally able to remove my...
  11. Big Bore

    Browning Vortex 0 degree bag

    Anyone have experience with this bag. Hunting 2nd rifle in CO this year and need a warmer bag. Froze my rear off last year in NM. I like that this one is slightly bigger than other standard mummy bags since I toss and turn all night.
  12. Big Bore

    Blacks Creek Cure Lumbar Pack **SOLD**

    This is a brand new, never used lumbar pack. I bought it for an elk hunt and didn’t use it. It’s an awesome pack with tons of storage for a lumbar style pack. It also has a built in meat shelf. I’ll also thrown in the hip sacks that are add on accessories for it. I paid $350 for everything. Will...
  13. Big Bore

    24 Hours to Remember!

    Well this weekend was one for the books. I took Friday off and arrived at my lease just in time for the evening hunt on Thursday. One of my lease mates had been there a few days and killed his very first buck with a handgun the day before. Through text messages he told me the bucks were starting...
  14. Big Bore

    Handgun hog

    Scored a nice sized hog yesterday morning with one of my 460 XVRs. About a 45 yard heart shot with handloaded ammo. Some of the best table fare in my opinion.
  15. Big Bore

    Blacks Creek Cure Lumbar Pack

    Thinking of buying this for my daypack on an upcoming elk hunt. This will be a drop camp hunt where we’ll have access to horses to pack meat out, in the event we kill. Anyone have an opinion of, or, experience with this lumbar pack?
  16. Big Bore

    How many quarts of ice chest for mature bull?

    I searched and couldn't find this, so it may be an odd question. I'll be driving from Texas to hunt elk in NM this October. The plan is to load my ice chests up with dry ice and leave them at the trail head locked in the outfitters horse trailers. But something that I'm having a hard time...
  17. Big Bore

    New Mexico 16B - Foot Friendly?

    We drew 1st rifle for 16B/22 and from everything I've read, it sounds like having horses is a big advantage. We don't. Having never hunted the Gila, I'm wondering if a certain region(s) of 16B/22 would be a bit more foot-only friendly? I'm planning to make at least one scouting trip this...
  18. Big Bore

    Handgun 11

    Killed this buck on the second weekend of our season in Texas with my Smith 460 XVR. About 63ish yards. My best buck to date on this ranch of 12 years. Thanks for letting me share!
  19. Big Bore

    Handgun hog

    I’m new to this forum and just wanted to share a few kills from this year. Here are three hogs I’ve killed so far, all with my Smith 460 XVR on my lease in Texas.
  20. Big Bore

    Clothing question

    New guy here - my intro is in the intro thread. I'm planning a DIY elk hunt next year, hopefully in New Mexico. If I don't draw, my plan is to buy a left-over tag in Colorado, Wyoming, etc. Still researching my plan B... Anyway, I've hunted my entire life but primarily on my central Texas...
Caribou Gear

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