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    Left Hand Rem 700 300RUM with ammo

    Left Hand Remington 700 CDL in 300 Remington Ultra Mag Fired only 56 times. Purchased new in 2011. 1 small mark forward of front swivel stud and 1 small mark on underside of comb. Includes 54 rounds of Remington 180gr Scirocco Bonded Power Level III. Also includes 55 empty once-fired cases...
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    30cal 180gr Nosler E-Tips

    $50 per box TYD if buying more than 2 boxes. Add $5 shipping for an individual box. 15 boxes available. Paypal or Venmo
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    Tennessee Turkeys

    How would you feel if your state wildlife management agency paid $10,000 to YouTube influencers in order to increase the number of nonresident hunters coming to your state to kill a specific species of game animal? I don’t know who The Angry Bowhunter is but I think we may have been separated...
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    GSP ACL surgery - which type?

    My 3.5yr old GSP tore her ACL(CCL). Doing some research, I’m strongly considering the Tightrope procedure over the more common TPLO. The Tightrope seems to maintain natural range of motion and is strong enough for a young and active dog. Does anyone has experience with the Tightrope procedure...
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    When to replace tumbler media?

    I started reloading about 2 years ago for hunting rounds and some 5.56 for national match competitions. I have used up all the new brass I purchased and am now in the full reloading cycle. I have tumbled about 200 rounds of 7RM, 100 of 30-06, and about 500 rounds of 5.56. The last tumble...
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    What's the best Puffy patch?

    Some thorns caught the collar of my new puffy jacket while hunting the other day and poked 2 holes into the inside of the collar. Now I have some annoying feathers coming out and poking me in the neck. I have some Tenacious tape but want to see if anyone had a better fix before I applied the...

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