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  1. Zellhouse

    Auto Renewal for AZ Game & Fish Youth Licenses

    Ran into a little snag with this year's AZ elk & antelope draw. Set my grandson up with an auto renewal youth resident license a couple of years back. He turned 18 this past year, & was given another youth hunting license for the upcoming year thru the renewal process. We were told that I...
  2. Zellhouse

    Euro Mount Repair: Best Glue to use?

    In the process of finishing up my Grandson's 2 Euro Mounts, (an antelope & a mule deer). Need to glue a tooth back in place on the antelope, & glue back into place 2 pieces that came off the bridge of the nose on the mule deer. Thought it would be best to make these repairs prior to whitening...
  3. Zellhouse

    A Once in a Lifetime AZ Desert Bighorn Sheep Experience

    It is hard to believe that a year has passed since My once in a lifetime Arizona Desert Bighorn Sheep Hunt in December 2022. In many ways it has taken awhile to process the hunt as a whole event. At first it seemed like this was more of a dream than a reality. Am I really doing this, after 30+...
  4. Zellhouse

    Backpacking Supplies for sale.

    Geared up a couple of years back with some camping/backpacking supplies. Bottomline is most of this stuff has never been used, & it's time to move it down the road. Klymit Static V Insulated Sleeping Pads: 2 each. Dimensions: 23" x 72". Retail $90.00 each. Outdoor Research Helium Bivy...
  5. Zellhouse

    Case neck bulge

    Have noticed I'm starting to get a slight bulge at the base of my case necks on reloaded 25-06 brass. Am using Nosler 100 Partition bullets, with 50.5 grains of H4350 powder. Am getting 3200 FPS with this load & have OACL set at 3.18". Pretty much staying with the reccomended formulas from...
  6. Zellhouse

    Desert Bighorn Ram

    After months of preperations, opening day finally arrived. Seemed like I was in a state of shock from the tag notification forwards. Didn't expect to draw this tag with <2% draw odds as a resident with 29 bonus points. Drew tag number 4 of 4 for the 2nd hunt in AZ Unit 45A, the Kofas. Booked...
  7. Zellhouse

    Arizona North Kaibab Early Rifle Deer Hunt: 12AW

    Finally drew a Kaibab deer hunt in 12AW: been 30 years since my last rifle tag in this unit! These tags are not easy to draw, & I'm looking forward to the upcoming season. Putting together a hunt plan for the last week of October. Information has been hard to find. A lot has changed in this...
  8. Zellhouse

    Shooting a Mono bullet from an older rifle

    Anyone have problems fouling up a barrel after after switching to a mono bullet in an older rifle? Recently inherited a Winchester Model 70 in .270 caliber that was manufactured in the mid 1950's. Am interested in building a load up for this rifle & thought I'd make the switch over to a...
  9. Zellhouse

    Have AZ Fall Draw Permits been mailed out?

    Have not received the deer tag I was drawn for in the AZ Fall draw. If memory serves me correctly, by this time in July the tags have been mailed out. Just wondering if anyone else has received their tags for the AZ 2020 Fall Draw?
  10. Zellhouse

    Accuracy problems reloading E-tips

    Recently ran into problems in getting consistent groupings with using Nosler E-Tips, & was wondering if anyone else has a similar experience? Started a new load in my 25-06 with new Nosler brass, RL19, & 100 grain E-tips. Set OACL to 3.15". Varied powder charges from 50.5 grains to 54.5 as...
Caribou Gear

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