As stated previously, the North American Pronghorn Foundation (NAPF) is preparing for our opening launch, and we intend to give early and exclusive access to our early supporters.
Please PM me if you’re interested in merch or memberships for the pre-launch(GoFundMe supporters have also received...
This episode was tailored to what’s going on here in ND. But I think there’s still some valuable perspective shared by Doug and Paul and their first hand experiences with CWD. The title is a quote of Doug’s on the episode...
Interesting results. 1,089 deer gps collared. More information to be released in the coming months.
“However, a preliminary summary showed end-stage wasting (including starvation and infections) was the leading cause of death (57%) of CWD-positive adult female deer.”...
I found this to be an incredibly informative conversation. Dr. Jason Bartz is a prion biologist and has been working with prions and prion disease for 25 years. He has published over 80 papers on the subject and has led/aided/participated some of the leading science in the prion world...
Fellow HuntTalkers and Conservationists,
As you may be aware, most all of our big game animals have a non-profit organization advocating for the well-being and permanent future presence of a sustainable, healthy, and huntable population. The one exception is the Pronghorn. But a group of us...
Travel Management is something the North Dakota Chapter of BHA has been pushing for since our inception in 2018. We can finally say it's here. Early engagement meetings start next week with scoping starting at the beginning of 2025.
NDBHA's talking points for early engagement and the meeting...
***Folks outside of ND feel free to oppose as well!
OPPOSE The ND Trust Lands Completion Act
(H.R. 2045/S.1088)
Our objection to this bill summarized:
1. Once transferred to state trust department, tens of thousands of acres of land that have always been open for public hunting can be closed...
Graphs and surveys discussed in the podcast can be found at this first link.
I’d like to see a discussion on the need for a 501c4 within the non-profit space for the hunting and angling community. Specifically, one that advocates, lobbies, and spends dollars on behalf of supporters of science based wildlife management, the North American model, and the public trust...
Wasn’t sure where to share this, but figured here is as good a place as any.
Bill language:
Wanted to get this out there for discussion as SCI just sent out an action alert for this and I find this to be an interesting dynamic within the conservation world.
SCI is supporting
"SUPPORT H.R. 3397: The Western Economic Security Today (WEST) Act withdraws the recently announced final...
It’s been several years since I was a gun seller at a local sporting goods store, so I’ve lost touch on rifle values not named tikka. Prices on gunbroker are kind of all over the map.
Browning Bar Mk II Safari in .243 win. Excellent condition, with scuffing on one spot in the forearm. Not...