Does anyone have a source for Rem. model seven parts. I’m trying to finish one of the custom shop barreled actions I bought from ptg. I need a complete bolt stop kit and an extractor and rivet for a remington bolt. I can’t find them anywhere. (don’t bother telling me ptg, I’m done with them)
I’ve been sitting around today eating braunschweiger, cheese (Cabot seriously sharp cheddar, you cretins 😉), and crackers. I looked up some recipes, saw Hank Shaw had one. I would like to try to make some. Has anyone tried it, or have a good one they would recommend?
Does anyone have any experience with these? I fish alone a lot, the older I get, the clumsier I get. It would be nice to launch the boat and take it to the dock with a remote. I would also like being able to automatically follow a countour and maintain speed. I’m not trolling crankbaits or...
I cut up some fresh jalapenos for a southwestern chicken dish I was making. After everything was done and enjoying a beer I needed to scratch like a man sometimes will. 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Always remember to wash your hands, good hygeine has it’s benefits.
Coyotes have decided to actively hunt my dogs, in my yard. I’m declaring war. I have an attic over my garage with a window that I’m going to turn into my coyote night blind, ie I’m going to put a lawn chair by the window. Is there any thermal or night scope that won’t break the bank? Would I...
Due to covid explosions and other scheduling difficulties at the preferred venue (the local tavern😉), I’m having my company Christmas party on February 5th. Going to feed and wet the whistles of all my employees and anyone else who helps out on the farm during the course of the year. Going to...
I keep most of my guns somewhere other than my house. I have a handgun, shotgun, and an ar, for home protection, and whatever I may be working on in my reloading room. With liability and safety concerns I guess I need to get something for home. I figured a small biometric for the handgun in...
This is a long story, but I hope you will bear with me.
It started Friday morning with my wife asking me what we were going to do for anniversary (Sunday was 13 years for us). I was going to have to drive up to Belleville IL for a part for my combine that morning and wasn’t sure what to say...
My wife, youngest son, and I are heading to Yellowstone next week. We will be staying in Casper with a friend the night before we arrive in Gardiner. I’m assuming it will be easier to go I25 up to I90 and then down to Gardiner rather than fight traffic going the shorter route through the park...
Got to go out and shoot today, and here’s my take. @schmalts hooked me up with a couple 4.5x14-40 CDS ZL2 windplex and I waited until dusk and a little drizzle to compare to my VX5HD 3x15-44 CDS ZL windplex. So about as apples to apples as you can get. My son and I both concluded that the VX5...
I’m going to form some 270 brass into .280ai. I will be using filler, (cow etc.), do I need to size the cases to .280 first or wait until after forming?
We are seeing bucks that have shed in southeast Missouri very early this year. Buddy of mine shot one during muzzy season 12/27 that had already lost one and lost the other between the shot and dying. We are already finding sheds while out bow hunting. Antlers normally don’t drop here until...
Found all this today for $167. Old gunsmith I didn’t even know was still in business. He’s about out of primers, but he’s got quite a bit of powder, even some 8 pounders!