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    Opening Morning Doe and Hog

    Made the annual trip up to north Louisiana to get a head start on gun season for the primitive season opener. Unfortunately a few buddies I normally hunt with up there couldn't make it so I was on my own. I drove up the Friday night before season opened, and slept in the truck. At day break...

    She Brought Home the Bacon

    My girl friend has slowly got the hunting itch and now on her second season she wanted to kill a pig. I've focused on lining her up on places of family land by the house where we can get to quickly and she has a steady prop. Saturday evening we finally had a few pigs come out during day light on...

    Gun Dog Vest - Yes, No, Maybe So?

    I put a vest on my dog for the first time. Part of the reason was to keep her belly a little more protected from briars, she stays scratched up. But mainly to have orange on her now that it’s deer rifle season. Thought I bought the best of both and first time out a stick caught her under the...

    Three Pigs Went to Market

    I took off a few days of work to hunt public land in north Louisiana. I was hoping to kill a buck or a couple pigs to stock up on ground meat. When I got to the parking area around 1:00 there was primarily a north wind. Not great but I thought I could make it work. Before this season I use to...

    Arkansas Public Land Black Bear

    Spring of 2018 I wanted to change things up for an out of state hunt, and I began researching bear hunting in the east. I settled on Arkansas and have hunted it for 3 seasons now. The first two times were during rifle season and most recent with a bow. Based on sign I’ve found and advice of...

    Going West without a Tag - CO and NM

    The old lady and I and planning a trip West. As painful as it is this trip will occur during hunting season, likely in mid to late November. But I guess there’s worse reasons to miss out on hunting time. As of now our plan is to leave Louisiana and stop over in Stanta Rose, TX for the night...

    First Scouting Trip of the Year

    I've been burning a hole in my computer screen every chance I get thinking about where I want to be hunting come October. Near the last weekend of October for rifle opener to be exact. The area I have been hunting the past 2 years has been good to me. However last season taught me it gets way...

    Another Wildlife Violation Slap on the Wrist Thread

    I see these posted regularly and usually the penalties are a slap on the wrist. Often times the fines don't equal going through an outfitter or landowner for a tag. Here's one where the fines still allowed the violations to be generously profitable. Profitable enough that even after receiving a...

    Shank Pasatalaya

    I like to save shanks but also like to hold on to them for too long. We butchered a steer last year and I still haven’t gotten around to eating these caveman pieces of meat yet. Finally decided to take advantage of working from the house and cook one yesterday. A little bit of an experiment for...
  10. JTHOMP

    Alligator Skull Mount

    I still have my gator heads in the freezer from last September. Already applied for tags again next season so might and well thaw them out and give it a try. I kept the heads from a 5ft and an 8.5 ft gator. Doing the smaller now for a trial run then will do the bigger one later. I may need a...
  11. JTHOMP

    Wild Game Recipes from the Quarantine Cookoff

    Thanks Randy, Marcus, and everyone else involved. Thought this was a really good project yall put together. A lot of good recipes in there that I’m looking forward to trying.
  12. JTHOMP

    Let’s See Your Favorite Mount

    @TheBenHoyle thread got me thinking it would be cool to see the story behind everyone’s favorite mount. Here’s my favorite on the wall right now. I tagged along to a new piece of public land with some buddies. I spent Friday before rifle opener scouting an isolated area only accessible by...
  13. JTHOMP

    A Successful Double

    My brother and I have attempted numerous doubles over the years trying to kill pig. Each time ended with neither of us killing. Monday evening it finally came together. My dad called and said there’s pigs in one of the pastures. I grabbed and gun and checked it out. After giving it a look over...
  14. JTHOMP

    When Life Gives You Invasives

    Do your part and kill them all. But don’t forget to stop and smell the roses, or in the case the gravy. We have a BHA event coming up and after talking it up it was requested that I share some nutria. So I dug through the freezer and found some I had been saving. Figured I’d save time by cooking...
  15. JTHOMP

    Life with Sweetie

    DISCLAIMER - Posts in this thread may be long winded. I'm using it as sort of a journal with photos for my first hunting dog, and would like to share with others who may appreciate it. I suck at proofreading (misspelling and typing wrong words) so I apologize in advance. Any advice from others...
  16. JTHOMP

    Louisiana and Southeast Backcountry Hunters & Anglers

    I wanted to share with yall some upcoming BHA events we have in Louisiana and the Southeast Chapter BHA. I know most of the people on the site is from outside the area, but hopefully we can pick up a few more people and grow BHA in our area. January 28th we'll be having a pint night at The...
  17. JTHOMP

    Another Bacon Haul

    Really wanted to get one last deer this year, but when the public woods give you a surplus of meat, you you take what you can get. Had some bad weather coming through friday night and saturday morning so I wanted until after the front pass to head out to the WMA and planned to spend the night...
  18. JTHOMP

    It’s Sausage Time

    Finally set up with a grinder, stuffer, and electric smoker. My ol lady isn’t into hunting, but enjoys processing meat. And it’s been good help my brother put food up for his family as they eat a lot of ground me. With the amount of pigs we have trapped and I’ve killed on public there hasn’t...
  19. JTHOMP

    Sunny and 75

    Sure wish there was a nice cool front to get the deer moving. Instead it’s warm and the herps are out. Warm south wind rolling through the swamp. Carrying with it the sounds of people cheering watching big the foosball game from their porches. At .75 miles I’m surprised how far the sound can...
  20. JTHOMP

    Good Day in the Swamp

    One of my favorite WMAs is in the heart of the Atchafalaya Basin. Small game hunting while scouting late season in February I was optimistic about the buck sign I saw. Next weekend is rifle season bucks only so I decided to spend Saturday adding a few squirrels to the freeze and harass the pigs...