Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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  1. M

    Got Crabby...

    Perfect day on the Pacific for some Christmas Dungeness! Ho Ho crab!
  2. M

    Washington end of Deer season

    A couple of takes from this years season. Very nice Blacktail buck, taken by my son on the final day. My front yard upon arriving home on the last day of the season:)
  3. M

    Blacktail Buck

    Rut is on big time in Washington. Here is a typical Blacktail Buck in the front yard, one of 4 hanging around.
  4. M

    Restoring color to Antlers

    Got an old set of horns here I let hang on the woodshed too many years, they got faded. What can I do to restore the natural color? It matters to me because this is my first buck shot in 1978. In case you're wondering this is a very nice 3X4 Coastal Blacktail.
  5. M

    Fathers Day Fishing Trip

    I hope all you dads and granddad's out there get to spend some quality time with your kids! Our trip this year was a week early, but what a blast for us all!
  6. M

    Montana kids in court

    Curious about hunttalks thoughts on Montana children suing the state over climate policy? I think Montana has got some smart ones growing up! Maybe they can make a difference? Seems to me like the politicians in Montana are going the wrong direction on this subject.
  7. M


    I have been gone awhile... sometimes life rears up and reminds you what things are really important in life. On December 1st my family lost our Great Grandmother, and I lost my mom. She was born the day after Christmas 1940 and it was always her favorite holiday. Take the time during Christmas...
  8. M

    Hunting Widow

    Curious what you all do for the significant woman in your life this time of year? Mine is about to be a hunting widow for the next three months so i try and shake it up a bit for her. Took my girl to the Pacific for a little clam 'diggin. She should be good with me being gone, at least for a...
  9. M

    2022 First Birds

    Here's to a new year! First birds of 2022
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    National Dog day

    Today is National Dog Day; Here is my current hero!
  11. M

    Idaho Elk

    This is really strange- https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/animals/elk-boneyard-discovered-at-base-of-idaho-mountain/vi-AAZHjEO?ocid=&cvid=445859a3241d4b27b6d2c53c04a92331
  12. M

    Summer Run

    Had a little summer run fun last weekend. No tripod on my new phone case, oh well here is the fish and my boat. It looks better than I do anyway.
  13. M

    Akek Alpha 3200 Hunting Pack

    Looking at this pack real hard. Made in UT carbon fiber frame, rifle sling, 5 pounds 11 oz and Water proof, that is a big one for me. https://akek.com/product/alpha-3200-backpack/ Any owners out there?
  14. M

    Spring Time Again!

    Spring has sprung - officially! 17 pound Spring Chinook, fresh from the Columbia Estuary. A lot like big game hunting - time consuming; 37 rod hours over 4 days of fishing for two takedowns and this guy in the boat!
  15. M

    MFWP processing/service fee?

    Just completed my 2022 MTFWP licenses application. I remember the $5.00 application fee, I do not remember the $23.70 processing fee? Knew about the preference point increase...$807.20. Hmm.
  16. M

    Been to any shows yet?

    Just returned from the PNW Sportsman's show in Portland. Did get to meet MOOSIE there in his booth but that was the highlight of the day. The show itself was pretty disappointing, many empty booths. Even my wife noticed the lack of most everything. In and out in a little more than 2 hours...
  17. M

    A first for me

    I have heard of this, but in 45 years of waterfowl hunting I have never experienced this. After staring at it for awhile, i think it is a Seattle duck- Bianary for sure 😐
  18. M

    Pacific Flyway January

    Ryker and I are sure having fun now! He is hitting 4th gear in his third season, getting good work done on blind retrieves! Picture heavy post for sure.
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    Greatest Hunting Partner

    I have been busy with my buddy. He just turned 3 1/2 this month and I believe he is the best retriever I have ever had the pleasure to hunt with, and I have had a seven in my lifetime.(ya I'm kinda old) Heading out again on Veteran's Day to remember my dad and spend another greatest day ever...
  20. M

    Opening morning

    Sure is nice to be out with my pup, smelling fresh burnt shotgun powder. Yes, fall is here.
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