Search results

  1. M

    Helena Gunsmith Recommendations

    Anyone have any recommendations for gunsmiths in the Helena area? Capital Sports used to be my go to but I haven’t heard much about it since Arnold retired.
  2. M

    Winchester Model 70 - Float Barrel?

    I got a used model 70 stainless synthetic in .270 last year. On the bench it was a tack driver on my first work up, but as soon as a put it on the bipod and put some flex in the stock it would send fliers 8” off at 100 yards. So, I just put it on a brand new McMillan stock that you all talked...
  3. M

    Gun Safes

    Hey everyone, I’m looking to buy my first gun safe. Looking back I only see one thread on them anywhere. Does anyone have any suggestions? There are so many options anymore that I don’t even know where to start. I know @Big Fin went with the Steelhead modular safes. Any reviews on these...
  4. M

    Stock choices

    So I pulled the trigger on a used Winchester Model 70 classic stainless. The gun seems to be a shooter, but the standard stock is a POS and definitely sends fliers if I get some flex into it. I’ve been looking at McMillan, HS Precision, and Hogue stocks for it. Anybody have any experience in...
  5. M

    Model 70 Build or New

    I have the opportunity to get a used Winchester Model 70 in Classic Stainless for about $500. The existing stock is beat up and plastic anyway so probably would end up replacing that. Action and barrel appear to be in good condition. Does anyone have any experience doing something like this, or...
  6. M

    Weatherby Vanguard Wilderness and Backcountry

    Does anyone have any experience with these rifles? I found the Wilderness on sale new for $770 in 30-06 and am very tempted.
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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