As some of you know I drew a cool tag in AZ. Shooters choice, any weapon, in the peak of the rut, big bulls, low tag holder hunt. The kind of tag that only comes along in a blue moon.
The issue is the rules, which there are plenty. Which, are perfectly navigable for me with my background...
There is a portion of me that is intrigued by this. I have a AZ Champ permit that allows me to use one. I have never exercised that permit but this year there is a place that kind of equipment could be utilized. A portion of the unit is Archery only. There is a significant trophy benefit to...
Has anyone participated in this? I applied my kids for it in the draw and my son drew. It looks like a fun time for a first elk hunt. Hopefully, they can help make it a successful experience for him. It’s the Oct 10-16 5B South and 6A youth cow tag...
As this winter was bitterly cold for me, I have been daydreaming of Arizona. All the hunting one could want and great year round weather in the foothills. Perfect for when the kids move out and the wife and I can start enjoying us again.
Friend of mine suggested shopping for a place now...
Lifetime warranty, just can’t get them to focus for my old eyes. Seems like I may need something stronger. No scratches, glass is so clear, it’s like it isn’t even there. 1500 or trade for Swaro EL.
Shot this rutty mule deer this year. I have heard stories of stinky inedible mule deer but never experienced it. My family actually prefers mule deer over Alfalfa fed whitetails. Have eaten a fat region G and Arizona pine country one with great success.
This rutted CO prairie one...
I have a PTG 22” barreled action for sale, it needs to be finished reamed. I would trade for a 700 Stainless LA 308 bolt face.
Or 700 plus shipping to your FFL.
I almost quit today and may still seek other employment when I get back from Colorado. Small companies who don’t take care of employees and chastise without even asking you what happened are toxic.
You know because there are those handfuls of people who are not happy until everyone around...
I have a 300 PRC that is a custom build on a 700 platform. It is an amazingly accurate long range bomber. If I had to shoot across canyons I would absolutely use it. I’ve killed several elk with it and it’s just deadly.
Problem is I don’t shoot across canyons. Also not particularly...
I’ve been a loyal customer for several years and this year I think I’m done.
While the draw data has been great the maps are driving me away.
This year my buddy ran OnX and I used GoHunt. There were several issues on our hunt which led to a fearful visit from the Game Warden. His map...
Just spent a few days exploring the public south of Ten Sleep and Worland, WY. Was really surprised at the lack of antelope. We only saw 30-50 antelope on the public in probably 8 hours of cruising gravel. A couple nice bucks but not much to brag about. Lots of water and feed but most...
Raising a 10 and 12 year old who both like to fish has me missing my boat. I grew up with a 10’ Jon boat and we would throw it in the back of the truck and hit as many small lakes as we could row. Caught a ton of fish and have fond memories. As an adult I bought a 12’ semi v and fished all...
Winner got ice cream and doesn’t have target duty next time.
5 shot group at 100yards
10 year old boy shanked one and it cost him.
12 year old girl on her second time with this rifle, first time shooting prone!
Proud Dad day.
With the permission of @Dave N and @Big Fin we are changing Dave’s Go Fund Me.
Dave as most of you have read has had a rough start to his retirement with all the care and passing of his wife Lori. We want to help Dave with his healing and forward movement of life in retirement.
Dave has...
Anyone had any good, bad, or indifference in the Ancestry DNA / 23 and me kits?
Mom is about to pass and we are thinking of doing that to document her for generations unborn.
Took some still today around Disney. Kinda like this camera, still have some figuring out to do. I know there are better phones but this one is a big step up for me.
Headed to fish in Key West next week. We are driving down and taking our big cooler. It’s one of those trips that you never know if you need it or not. Guide says fishing was slow this week, hopefully picks back up for next.
If we hit gold, what is the best method for hauling this home...