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  1. S

    Great day on pike

    This is only the third time I have ice fished all winter and my first actual full day. Anyways we got out and started getting setup and before I even had the second tip up out we already had a flag. First fish turned out to be a small hammer handle. While setting tip up 3/4 I had a bite so I had...
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    Duck pond

    Had a decent little duck pond shoot this morning and a snow that identified as a duck lol. Also reminded how much I hate mud lol
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    2024 Sask WT adventures

    went out with the ML tonight. Had a cold front moving through. The deer came out pretty good for the last half hour seen about 6 or so. Was sat back about half mile glassing all were does and a small buck then this guy. He ended up being a 5x5 with a weak 5th point on his one side like 1-2”...
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    Those quivers that stick out the end of your bow along the stabilizer are they as handy as they look or is they a down side? I shoot with my quiver on all the time but even so I seem to be constantly fighting to keep my bubble level but once the quiver comes off it just seems to sit there nicely
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    1st archery elk

    Bought my elk tags last night. I was exploring a year old clear cut today and the first 3/4’s of the place I just seen moo cow sign. Decided to check out one last corner. Was going along not seeing any fresh moo cow sign so decide to throw some cow chirps out. All of a sudden heard some cracking...
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    Sask opener

    Knocked the rust off this morning
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    2024 fall bear

    I felt bad hijacking @seeth07 post all the time so figured I would start my own. Set my bait tonight but forgot to take pictures. Season starts in 10 days. Lots of berries but they are drying up fast with the hot dry weather. So we will see how the bait does. This bait usually just has average...
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    Smokey eyes

    Started a bit rough as I had forgot my key on killing my starting battery. Stole one of my trolling motor batteries to run the boat with so that eliminates use of the trolling motor and spot lock. Started out on an underwater point that drops to the main lake basin. Started along the edge in 12’...
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    Go to roast recipe

    I have a collection of roast I’m trying to work through. Any different suggestions then a good old roast. Mainly all hind quarter roasts. Trying to use them as roasts before they hit the grinder and become burger sausage
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    Quest for a Sask moose

    My fiancée drew a moose tag out our back door. This will be here first ever chance at a bull moose but she has shot a couple cows before. We won’t start scouting till mid to late September as moose move so much during the rut. Her season runs October 1-14 and November 1-14. Soon I will start...
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    Spring snows

    Birds didn’t like something but we managed a few and honestly should have had 15-20 but I shot like crap. We don’t get many snows in this area so this is the first time I have targeted snows in about 8 years also my first time hunting spring snows with decoys
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    Best burger recipe

    Influence how I make burgers tonight and share your best burgers recipe!
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    RWS primers

    These any good? I found some large rifle ones I am thinking of buying but no experience with them
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    Fox shotgun

    I know there is better places to check but figured I would check here before joining a shotgun forum. I inherited an old fox sterling worth shotgun. It was my great great grandparents. Anyone able to point me to a place to look up serial number to find age on this gun?
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    Shotgun reloaders

    Im looking at a used MEC size master sm82. I can find size master manual online but not sure if there is a difference from size master to size master sm82. Can anyone give me an insight? Would you be able to reload steel on this press?
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    Wow what a way to end

    Maybe last shoot for us it’s getting late but if it was it ended good 3 man limit of big geese and two short of a 3 man on ducks
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    2023 Sask WT adventures

    Well I’ll start this off by saying I don’t have high hopes for this fall. I haven’t deer hunted till today but with all my elk, moose and goose scouting I haven’t seen many deer let alone anything good. A few hard winter in a row will do that. Also it was a dryer summer and the cattle on the...
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    2023 Sask moose adventures

    It’s the day before season so figured I better buy a tag. Main goal is to try and get a friend a bull tomorrow or Monday. I’ll be hunting the full season October 15-19 but don’t plan to shoot a moose unless I see one that’s over 40” as my freezer is full already. Looking forward to five days of...
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    Double double

    The GF and I went out for an afternoon of ruffie hunting. Took a bit but we managed two limit of grouse at ten each. Never thought that would happen. Then saw an other 20 on the way home they were everywhere tonight. Must be at the top of the cycle
  20. S

    Thanksgiving geese

    Started Canadian thanksgiving weekend with a little goose shoot. The geese came in a couple big bunches but we made the most of our chances and knocked down 15 still. Good start to the weekend. Hopefully we can get in a couple more
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