Yeti GOBOX Collection

Search results

  1. NVDesertHunter

    Northern Arizona early archery hunt tactics

    Drew a northern AZ early archery elk tag this year. Have hunted elk before but not an expert. Outside of the universal elk tips (wind, patience, hunt all day). Is there any specific hunting tips for AZ archery elk? I am expecting high hunting pressure and lots of UTV traffic but wanted to know...
  2. NVDesertHunter

    Water Guzzlers on Onxmaps

    Has anyone had issues with water guzzlers not showing up on their desktop for OnXmaps?
  3. NVDesertHunter

    Long-range Muzzleloaders

    Most of the states I hunt in prohibit scopes on muzzleloaders. Curious what ranges people are shooting big-game with "long-range" open sight muzzleloaders. I have a T/C and my farthest shot on game is 130yds but curious how far a semi custom set-up can reach out to. thanks
  4. NVDesertHunter

    NV wildlife commission

    Local NPR interview regarding the make-up of the wildlife commission. Interesting that HSUS agrees that ballot box science is a bad idea. IMO the interview was a red herring in order to talk about coyote hunting contests...
  5. NVDesertHunter

    2024 NV hunt proposed quota

    Increase in antelope, mule deer, elk, ant goat and CA sheep tags. Decrease in desert BH, and 2 tags for moose
  6. NVDesertHunter

    Worst online application system

    Safely assuming most people on this site apply to more than one state. Wondering what your opinion is on the most frustrating state to apply for via vote is AZ, I feel like they ask for everything except your blood type yet can't seem to auto-fill the information they already have...
  7. NVDesertHunter

    Tips on shooting wild upland birds

    In my 2nd year of bird hunting in Nevada/California/Arizona and my shot to hit ratio is pretty low. Wonder if anyone has shooting advice for wild chukar and quail mainly crossing at 30-40 yards at full speed. I try to make my shooting as instinctive as possible but I primarily use the...
  8. NVDesertHunter

    Standard primers for .257 Weatherby Mag.

    Hello all, I am starting to reload for my .257 Wby. Mag. and have given up the search for magnum primers. However, I have 100's of Winchester Large Rifle primers that I use for my .280AI. My question is: would my WLR primers be sufficient for my .257 Wby.? according to this "garage study", it...
  9. NVDesertHunter

    11 day backcountry pack weight?

    Hey all, I have a 11 day backcountry hunt (8 mile basecamp) in October this year. Right now I am at 66lbs overall pack weight. That includes all my gear including winter clothes, rifle, 2 liters of water and 20lbs of food, etc. I plan to take a lot of pictures so I have my solar panel and...
  10. NVDesertHunter

    Harvest Right Freezer dryer

    Has anyone used this for backpacking food prep? $2200 is well out of my price range for a "food maker" but if I hit the mini lottery I imagine this would be great to have. I can think of some great recipes I would love to have in the...
  11. NVDesertHunter

    Shipping sheep and axis meat from Hawaii

    Hello, I just booked a unguided Axis and Mouflon sheep hunt on Lanai. I was curious if anyone here has first hand experience shipping game meat back into the lower 48 states from Hawaii? I frequently ship deer meat from NY to CA on Southwest Airlines but was wondering if there's an easy way...
  12. NVDesertHunter

    Thinking of adding a pair of 15x56 binos

    Hello all, Currently I have a pair of 10x42 and a 85mm spotter and hunt most of the western states for elk, deer, bear, antelope and one day goat and sheep. Most of my glassing distances are between 600yds to 2 miles. Lately I've been spending more time glassing with my spotter and was curious...
  13. NVDesertHunter

    Medium vs Large Seek Outside stove

    Hey all, Currently have the Seek Outside LBO (base w/vestibule) tent and was wondering what size stove you recommend? Planning to get the LBO tarp extension in the future. Thanks,
  14. NVDesertHunter

    Anyone hunt Ibex in Tajikistan?

    Hello All, Im trying to save up for my "once-in-a-lifetime" hunt. It started out as a British Columbia Mountain Goat hunt, then Tahr in New Zealand. Now I'm curious about Ibex in Tajikistan, looking at the price $6-9K. It doesn't seem to expensive for an incredible experience and hunt. Has...
  15. NVDesertHunter

    Wall tent Pros/Cons

    Background: I am learning that if you do the homework in the offseason, there becomes less and less reasons to backpack for 7 straight days in the backcountry. Im toying with the idea of getting a wall tent to use as a basecamp and on hunts that only require 10-15 miles of day hiking. I will...
  16. NVDesertHunter

    Thank you to the person who turned in their NV cow elk tag!

    Opened an email today thinking it was a spam since the first words were "CONGRATULATIONS...You have been awarded a...." and found out I was an alternate for a non-resident Nevada Cow Elk tag for the September 17th opener. With a NV mule deer already in my pocket for October, NDOW has been...
  17. NVDesertHunter

    Helicopter Fly-in New Zealand Tahr

    Hey everyone, I have built up enough airline miles for a free trip to NZ. My dream hunt is a true high alpine DIY mountain hunt no matter the species. I have been on numerous DIY solo hunts in the US and a NZ tahr hunt is appealing. My question is, in the South Island, can you still fly in...
  18. NVDesertHunter

    Bino Adapter for tripod

    I lost my binocular adapter last season while switching from my binoculars to spotter while confirming a hog cresting over a ridge at last light. I was using the Vortex adapter and never really liked it because it wouldn't fit inside my binocular harness while still attached to the binocular...
  19. NVDesertHunter

    Success photos from 2018 and early 2019

    I can only hope that the remaining 2019 season is just as good (knock on wood)
  20. NVDesertHunter

    Backpacking Food

    I was wondering what other backpack hunters bring in terms of food. Not sure if its the contrarian in me or not, but I don't like Mountain House or any other commercially made dehydrated dinners. Part of the fun for me is making my own meals using dehydrated stuff I make myself (pasta, veggies)...