The "north side of the park" could be a lot of things - 13,000' peaks down to 8,000' desert. Really curious as to cause of death. Temps were 20-40 degF, but no precipitation.
There was a short piece in the most recent Bugle issue that stated something along the lines of, "If a cow dies during the first year of a calf's life, the calf has a near 0% chance of survival." I looked online for some data to back that up and can't find anything. There are lots of studies...
How does someone do so much research and completely miss the point that the public does not have to pay for access to public land (assuming the court rules in favor of the Missouri hunters in the Eschelman...
I thought this was particularly interesting because a guy at a recent RMEF volunteer project said something to the effect of, "It seems like RMEF isn't doing much in CO." Well, here ya go.
I stopped at the APR visitor center in Lewistown on my way home from a vacation (trip highlight was seeing a family of otters swimming, hunting, feeding right down the beach from our river-front camp site).
When I first walked into the APR visitor center, the young lady at the desk noticed my...
This guy launched, flew, and landed his drone (visible on the blanket in the foreground) from a point 5 miles inside the Bridger Wilderness. When I approached him, he and his lady friend were acting almighty nervous, but when I confronted him, he said "I didn't see a sign." I sent the pics to...
WyoFile Story on HB 147
I have heard from several people (on this forum, I think) about this issue. Is the threat of enforcement enough to discourage the practice? Or has no one reported actual cases of it happening?
Attend Sportsmen's Day at the Capitol & Get Latest on an Anti-Hunting Ballot Measure
With so many prominent issues to be decided the final month of Colorado’s legislative session, the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation would like to invite you to Sportsmen’s Day at the Capitol on Thursday...
Call or email your senator this weekend and encourage them to vote 'No' on the anti-hunting appointees.
Type your zip code into the Search field on this site and you will get their contact info:
Today, Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) released its preliminary alternatives and staff recommendations for the 2025-2029 Big Game Season Structure (BGSS). Over the past year, CPW carefully considered various biological, social, and economic factors, as well as internal and external input...
The Mtn Lion briefing is especially good. These may have been shared in another thread, but not many people read past the 3rd or 4th page of replies, so I wanted to have this as a separate informational thread:
20 minute Mtn Lion Update - 20 mins with tons of great details and well presented...
I attended today, but unfortunately was distracted with my job during much of the meeting. A few notes:
Commissioners Haskett and Philips were pretty pissed about not being notified about the wolf releases. They spent countless hours, attended dozens of meetings, got beat up from both sides...
My daughter (19) and I had archery elk tags, and my son (22) had a muzzleloader cow tag, and my wife was with, but doesn't hunt. We hiked in about 6 miles and set up camp. We saw elk across the valley as we were setting up. As my son and I made our way down and back up the other side of the...
I'm reading an old story (in a collection of short stories) about a Canadian Mounty. He's describing one of their cabins they maintained for the mounties to use when out patrolling. The quote is, "There had been nobody stationed in it since the T-Down fed its last hay almost two months...
Transmission Short Video
If we want any bighorns left on the landscape, I think we need our federal agencies to implement and enforce separation of domestic and wild sheep.
I have a neighbor that lets their dog out at 3:30am and of course it barks non-stop. By the time I wake up and realize what is going on and get mad enough to get dressed, go outside, and record it, they let it back in. Local law enforcement won't do anything without video/audio evidence. I...
I have a friend that is working with the county/state/feds to improve the wildlife habitat on his property. Most of what they want him to do is thin the pine trees on about 8 acres of his property. The instructions they gave him (to qualify for grants) was to remove all dead trees and all...
I sent the following to the American Hunter Editor(s). To my chagrin, as I read the rest of the issue, I found an article by Jim Heffelfinger, a respected scholar on the topic, however, Jim did not address cooking or incineration in that article. I also found out that Jim had another CWD...