My father in law gave us his old Tohatzu 8hp outboard motor. I have a small aluminum boat that it will go on, and I haul the boat in a open utility trailer. I'm wondering what the best way to transport the motor to and from the lake? It will be removed from the boat. Just toss it in the boat? In...
...when you can buy these high quality binoculars. Why spend thousands of hard earned dollars on a pair of binos, when you can buy this great pair for less than the cost of a resident Wyoming doe antelope license! For just $18 on Amazon, you will get this awesome pair of Soghav HD 12x42...
Great deer season. Lots of highs and lows. My son killed his first buck. Proud dad moment. I was able to take a week off and hunt with my father. After whiffing on two other good bucks, some how I was given a third chance on the last day and lucked into this buck. I forgot how big of a body a...
Anyone ever heard of this organization? We got a notice in the mail from them that they are doing a research project in one of the hunt areas we have licenses for. Part of the project involves giving participating hunters a couple of boxes of lead free ammo to use. I figured I'd sign my son and...
I have a winchester model 70 Ranger from the mid 90s. The wood stock isn't anything fancy, especially since the sling swivel stud ripped out of it on a bear hunt earlier this year. I had been contemplating upgrading the stock, and now seems to be a good time. I like the looks and price of the...
For those of you who have applied in multiple states, do you prefer bonus points, where the more points you have the more times you are entered into the random draw, or a true preference point system, where those with the most points get drawn first? What are your pros and cons of each system...
I enjoy coming up hunting goals that are different than just trying to kill the biggest buck or bull out there (mainly because I suck at trophy hunting). It wasn't until hunting season had already started this year and after I killed my doe antelope that I realized I had the unique opportunity...
Looking at getting a new sous vide machine. Not sure if mine is junk (cheap one on Amazon, weisserstein) but it keeps shutting off and giving me an error code when I use it to cook skulls. The water level is fine, but I think the machine keeps getting gunked up or something, as it seems to work...
I almost never hunt private land, other than HMAs and walk-in areas. This year I have permission to hunt moose on a couple different ranches and I am thinking of some sort of thank you gift. Whisky, gift basket sausage and cheese, box of seafood, and cash, are a few things I have come up with...
I found some ammo at Carolina Munitions via ammoseek. Anyone on here have any experience ordering ammo from Carolina Munitions? They didn't get too many stars on Ammoseek, but you have to login to ammoseek to read the reviews. I don't have an account so I couldn't login.
Which of these two boots would you get? Your hunting conditions are:
-Live and hunt in WY
-Strictly rifle hunter
-Hunt mostly antelope and elk, but some deer
-Elk hunting is mostly late season Nov-Dec cow elk and require longish hikes
-Have a pair of Kenetrek gaitors and like to wear them...
I have 7 moose points going into the draw this year and have been thinking of putting in for a cow moose, as I have already killed a bull. Looks like area 40 is about the only area I can draw. Anyone on here ever hunt that area?
Interesting article about an old grizzly bear trapped in WY. Crazy to think he was roaming around for that long. I would love to check out its skull.