Kenetrek Boots

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  1. Rainer

    The clean up has finished

    Well here in Ontario we had, what we think were multiple tornadoes touch down at once a decimated a great deal across the province. As off right now we’re on day 6 without power and our clean up is finally complete. Having to clean out the freezers had to have been the worst part of it. 30 cu...
  2. Rainer

    Well, it has finally happened

    Looks like the Province of Ontario has finally received EHD in our deer herd. With the much later Fall weather and warmer Summer months. I fear this will be devastating to our deer population. I don't know if it can be transmitted to our moose and elk populations...
  3. Rainer

    Full Draw Film Tour

    Just a FYI to some that the Full Draw film tour has upload their entries for this year on their YouTube page. Some great content on there
  4. Rainer

    LF Sitka Ground Forest

    So i'm looking for a large Sitka Mountain Jacket in the now discontinued Ground Forest. I love this pattern and hate that it's been discontinued
  5. Rainer

    Sitka high plains hoody vs kelvin lite hoody

    Is the fit of the high plains hoodie the same for the kelvin lite hoody?
  6. Rainer

    Here we go again.

    So i saw this pop up on the facebook last night. Well get ready for the anti's to jump all over this Bowmarisk clip, it just more fuel for their fire 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
  7. Rainer

    Sheep Week

    Anyone else having issues filling out the raffle ticket page? First year where I can actually go and its virtual..... thanks covid.
  8. Rainer

    Found a great new podcast

    While searching around on Spotify I stumbled across this new podcast called The Hunter Conservationist. If you want to find out more about Caribou restoration, Polar Bear research, How indigenous groups can/must be involved when it comes to conservation projects etc. Give it a listen sometime.
  9. Rainer

    Mystery Ranch Beartooth 80 vs Metcalf

    With no dealer in near by. Does the Beartooth compress down as well as the Metcalf for day use?? is the lid removable on the Beartooth?
  10. Rainer

    Arizona Field Day

    Do you think the State may put this on hold or cancel it because of not being able to have mass gatherings?
  11. Rainer

    Baseball Draft

    Did anyone stream the first round tonight? How did your team do? I know the Blue Jays stole their pick.
  12. Rainer

    Ontario nonresident fees

    If anyones interested in coming to Ontario to hunt, our licence fees are quite cheap compared to everywhere else. Though you need a outfitter, with the exchange rate it isn't that bad. Starting the 2021 season though were going to a point based system for our Moose tags. I made it clear also...
  13. Rainer

    On the positive side

    Does anyone know if Kurt Russell is still stuck in L.A or New York? Asking for a friend. lol
  14. Rainer

    Montana points

    Does anyone know when you can just purchase points in Montana?
  15. Rainer

    Utah or Nevada? Which would you choose?

    I'm looking at "investing" in a state that would be a long term deal. I've narrowed it down to Utah or Nevada. Now I have time to build up points because due to the political climate in the States. I could be detained for working in the medical marijuana field(they cancelled my nexus card...
  16. Rainer

    Getting into the points game

    So being that I'm Canadian and have kinda been ban from entering the US for the next 2-6 years because I worked for a medical marijuana company(I can be arrested at the border and be detained federally). I've decide to put on hold the OTC hunts and start a point collection. I'm looking at...
  17. Rainer

    Sitka Pants???

    Hey Guys, I can decide on which pair I won't to go with the Mountain or Timberline pants?? They would before mainly my September/October archery Moose/Bear hunts. Besides walking around bogs and across beaver dams. I have a lot of deadfall to crawl over. I like to 4 way stretch on the Ascents...
  18. Rainer

    Two moose shot and abandoned

    Hmm, this is going to get interesting.
  19. Rainer

    E-callers for bears

    Has anyone ever tried to use an e-caller for Bears? Where I hunt it's all lowland cedar swamps where baiting and glassing isn't possible.
  20. Rainer

    Fantasy Hockey

    Does anyone have a good league to join? I've got no idea how to set one up on my own but, it would be nice to have one for members here.
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