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  1. vanish

    NR Nebraska Archery Deer goes Limited Entry

    The cap will be 3000 statewide permits. Application period June 3-14.
  2. vanish

    CO BGSS 2024

    We can use this thread for discussion of anything related to BGSS. Just getting us going. Split from One of the most controversial items up for discussion is a change to OTC licenses: I received my...
  3. vanish

    Vanish and Firetiger's 2023 Journal

    Well, I'm going to try my best at journaling again this year as it is the TENTH ANNIVERSARY of me doing so. I have found it much more difficult to find the time with a job that I care about and an 18 month old daughter. Here is the hunt schedule thus far: CO Elk Muzzleloader - Vanish CO...
  4. vanish

    Fish ID challenge

    Caught these fish in the same creek a few years apart. I'm curious to hear your thoughts in species. I know what the biologist told me. High country of Colorado. Please give your reasoning. :)
  5. vanish

    Vanish and FireTiger's 2022 Journal

    If you're new to the Live Hunts section, check out my journals from previous years (listed in signature), especially those before 2021. My wife was pregnant last year and that journal turned out pretty lame. :D This upcoming weekend is officially the start of our hunting season. It has been a...
  6. vanish

    Colorado Boat Considerations

    Yeah, I know I would be better off on a fishing forum, but there's a ton of crossover here and I don't want to expand my digital presence. I got the nod to buy a real fishing boat from FireTiger. I know the market had been crazy (unsure if it still is?), and I am not in a rush, but I do need to...
  7. vanish

    Vanish and FireTiger's 2021 Journal

    I debated even starting a journal this year as things just won't be the same. If you read my 2020 journal, you'll know that my wife lost a baby during archery elk season last year. It was only through seemingly random circumstance that I was even home at the time that it happened, as I had been...
  8. vanish

    Canada Fishing Trip Alternatives?

    Wife and I and 2 friends were planning a Canada pike fishing trip this summer. We were working on a self-guided trip where we'd stay in a cabin, breakfast/dinner at the "lodge", but we were in charge of running our own boat. With the border closure, this plan is dead. Does anyone have any...
  9. vanish

    We'll miss you Hankerdoo!

    We found Hank at our local shelter on Black Friday of 2013. I can remember this day especially vividly as we were about to make a terrible mistake after months of failed watching for a dog and take home a cat. It is always a risk with a shelter dog, but Hank was simply amazing. Despite being 5+...
  10. vanish

    Colorado - Proposed L/E Unit 14 Archery The domino effect continues. I have mixed feelings on this. I predicted it as the held the meetings last year. As hunters move out of the new units going draw, the crowding issues will increase in the remaining OTC...
  11. vanish

    Vanish and FireTiger's 2020 Journal

    Welcome to the 10th annual Vanish and FireTiger season journal. This will be my 5th year posting the journal on Hunt Talk. If you've not followed along before, you should waste many hours reading through old journals!
  12. vanish

    Prairie dogs on public land grazing lease

    I was listening to the CPW Commission meeting and right near the end a rancher came on to complain that the public land ( forest service ) he is leasing (for the last 25 years) for grazing has no grass on it due to prairie dogs. He was very upset that nobody was doing anything about it. I'm not...
  13. vanish

    Weighting a Stock / Reducing Recoil

    FireTiger has a CVA Optima v2. We're going to muzzy hunt pronghorn again this year. She hates shooting it because of the kick. She was always a great shot but now she flinches. I've had her cut back on the amount of powder and I think it is fine now, but she's still scared of shooting it. The...
  14. vanish

    Vanish and FireTiger's 2019 Journal

    Welcome back to those of you who followed us in 2018, and welcome to those of you new to joining us on our adventures. This will be my 9th year journaling our season, which I have been attempting to do since we moved to Colorado. The site I have posted these adventures on has changed over the...
  15. vanish

    Colorado Big 3 PP Fee

    Sheep / Goat / Moose preference points, on top of requiring some sort of hunting license (small game or turkey, NOT fishing license) and paying the app fee, are now $50 R / $100 NR. ( Investigating the fee for other species was deferred until next...
  16. vanish

    Public Land Archery Whitetail: What do you consider "Good Hunting" ?

    For a trip on public land, archery hunting whitetails in the first week of November, what are your expectations for amount of "action" you expect to see? I know the question is vague and it is dependent on a lot of factors, but I'm leaving it open ended intentionally.
  17. vanish

    Remington 770, to hell with you?

    Eight years ago, we had recently moved to Colorado and started western hunting. I was using my grandfather's 7mm rem. mag. and my wife has a nice Weatherby .270. This combo is pretty good, and I am not a "rifle nut" so don't feel the need to own a caliber designed for each species. However, a...
  18. vanish

    A rant on weapon-based seasons, with a proposal.

    There was a recent thread where an older gentleman discussed moving to a crossbow due to an injury, but decided not to do it because of the stigma against crossbows. I was going to reply there, but my thoughts are bigger than just compound vs crossbow, and I'd like to start some discussion on...
  19. vanish

    Vanish and FireTiger's 2018 Hunt Journal - Season 8

    Aww yeah, Colorado draw results are out and my excitement for hunting has not wavered in the off season. Therefore, I declare it time to start the 2018 journal! If you're new to the site or the Live Hunts forum, you may want to go blow a few hours reading our past journals. If you don't want to...

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