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  1. H

    Montana fall turkey

    I am headed to SE Montana in November for first deer hunt there. I have never shot a Merriams and it looks like Montana has a coinciding fall turkey season. Also looks like you can use a rifle? How realistic would it be to have a chance at getting a turkey on public in November? Thanks
  2. H

    SE Montana rain / snow

    I see that SE Montana has gotten some rain and snow the last couple days. I read the threads about this year’s drought changing up the deer hunting this year with deer moving to private where the green and water is. Is the moisture they just got going to change this at all? Or is it too...
  3. H

    Antelope shed hunting

    Is antelope shed hunting a thing? Don’t seem to remember seeing anything about it.
  4. H

    Leftover draw

    In the leftover draw can someone choose to get two of the available doe tags if they are drawn like the initial draw? Example if 10 doe tags are available does that mean first 10 drawn get one each or is possibility of only first 5 getting two each. That changes draw odds quite a bit. Thx
  5. H

    Wyoming application question

    Hi guys. Thanks for all the info yall share on here. I have been planning my first trip to wyoming for antelope and buying PP`s for a few years. Going into 2018 my wife and I will each have 7 points and my daughter will have 4. I am thinking of making a "scouting" trip/hunt next year to get...

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