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  • Users: cedahm
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  1. cedahm

    Elk in Sheep Country: CO 1st Rifle

    Taking a cue from @Bluffgruff - this will be mainly just pictures. Since I am not even close to Andy's league as a photographer, I'll add a line or two of text with each one. Probably more, really, since I suck at editing. Tldr; Two friends had tags in a unit in Southern CO. A group of 8 of us...
  2. cedahm

    Backyard Rabbit Trapping

    I have become an unintentional bunny trapper. this is the scene my son discovered this morning going out to take some cuts before school: I assume the dog or a fox chased it in there in the middle of the night at some point but it wasn’t chewed up so maybe it just wasn’t very agile. it...
  3. cedahm

    Colorado: CPW Survey on License Allocations

    Got an email over the weekend from CPW pointing to a survey on potential changes to Big Game license allocation and distribution. Survey link is below: https://cdnr.sjc1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_becxx8XP8pgrf1k I filled out the survey, added as many (very specific) comments as the character...
  4. cedahm

    SOLD: Zodi Propane Shower

    Selling a Zodi propane (single bottle) shower with case. Have used it 3-4 times in the last couple years. It works fine, but I just don't use it as often as I thought and I have had to move it to various different garage cabinets enough times that I should just sell it :) I will add pictures...
  5. cedahm

    CO: Reissue & Leftover Process potential change

    Saw this being discussed on another site: In the 2021 Colorado Turkey brochure that just came out, there is a section on page 8 (https://cpw.state.co.us/Documents/RulesRegs/Brochure/turkey.pdf) about changing the Reissue/Leftover tag process. Effectively, going back to how it was when it first...
  6. cedahm

    Sportsman’s Warehouse acquired by Great American Outdoors Group

    Sportsman’s to be acquired by GAOG (umbrella company for Cabelas/BassPro): https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/21/2149037/0/en/Sportsman-s-Warehouse-to-join-The-Great-American-Outdoors-Group-to-better-serve-outdoorsmen-and-women.html
  7. cedahm

    CO: CPW discussion document for R/NR allocations

    Found this on another site : https://cpw.state.co.us/Documents/Commission/2020/November/Item.12-Final-W-2-Allocation-Nov-2020.pdf This will be on the agenda at the 11/17 CPW meeting. Cliff's: Option 1: Update the R/NR allocation to 80/20 based on 2020 points required (currently includes...
  8. cedahm

    New Mexico 16C 2020 2nd Rifle

    Quick report as I catch up on a thousand or so work emails and issues. Returned from the Gila late Tuesday. My best bud drew 16C this year (I had the early rifle tag in 2016 and he and our other buddy were both there with me. Our turn to return the favor). We knew it would be dry, but it was...
  9. cedahm

    SOLD (FS: Eberlestock Team Elk M5 pack)

    Used Team Elk M5 pack. Has been my constant companion for 3 years but I just came into a higher-end pack from a buddy. It is 4 years old - but has all the features of the current Team Elk pack (https://eberlestock.com/collections/hunting-packs/products/team-elk-pack?variant=31156218101811) -...
  10. cedahm

    CO Re-Issue Day - virtual queue already active

    PSA : Buddy just texted me that they already have the virtual queue open (as soon as you click on 'Buy and Apply') Another headscratcher choice of UX design from Aspira (would think you would log in FIRST and then be placed in queue, but no - still going to have to log in, verify info, etc...
  11. cedahm

    Ram Rebel? (Largely vs Titan Pro-4X)

    I thought I narrowed down my new (used) truck search to the Titan (dropped the Raptor from consideration as I just can’t justify it as hard as I try at the current price points even for used ones and the PowerWagon is too much for my needs). Anyone own a Rebel that would share their...
  12. cedahm

    Madison Stoneflies - late June

    So after a few stops and starts on planning a small summer roadtrip, we ended up renting a place outside of Ennis at the end of the month. I haven't been on the Madison in ~20 years. I've heard it's changed some :). Are the stories of bumper boats and 30 minutes idling at the ramps accurate...
  13. cedahm

    SOLD: Crispi Titan GTX 12D - Reduced

    Buddy of mine got me a pair of these as a gift after 'guiding' him to a bull last year. I have about 40-50 miles on them and due to the weird shape of my right foot they are simply not breaking in adequately (I have this problem with most footwear - definitely my issue and not the boots - my...
  14. cedahm

    New Mexico: Game&Fish ordered to release Customer info

    Just got this in an email from NMDGF: http://www.wildlife.state.nm.us/courts-order-department-to-release-customer-names-email-addresses-today/ Not sure what to make of it. On the surface I don't like it, and it seems like a violation of privacy (I know Big Fin has had issues along these lines...
  15. cedahm

    A Boy and his Bonefish

    We have been coming down to Eleuthera (an Outer island of the Bahamas) for 15 years. It is to DIY bone fishing what the Rockies are to DIY Elk. This afternoon I took my daughters boyfriend down island 20 miles to a favorite flat to catch the incoming tide, left my son a rigged rod and told him...
  16. cedahm

    CO: San Juan NF Closure planned starting tomorrow

    Total closure of access to the San Juan NF expected tomorrow: http://www.westernslopenow.com/news/local-news/entire-san-juan-national-forest-to-be-closed-to-public/1230848678 Not a good forebodance of what this summer is going to look like.
  17. cedahm

    New Mexico Antelope management change proposal

    I came across this on the NMGFD website today after seeing a comment somewhere. Not sure if it's been posted or not. NM is proposing to more or less do away with the current A-PLUS Antelope hunt management system ("A-PLUS" = Antelope Private Land Use System) whereby tagholders are assigned to...
  18. cedahm

    WTS: Sitka Delta Wading Jacket XL (+hat)

    I bought a Sitka Delta jacket (Waterfowl Optifade pattern) at ISE Denver last year. New ones retail for $399, show price on this one was ~$320. Have worn it once - to walk the dogs in the neighborhood. It's a great jacket, I just have too many waterproof shell jackets and I hunt ducks too...
  19. cedahm

    Colorado Sheep/Goat Results up

    Results are posted online in your preference point lookup. No joy here. Draw stats are also up: http://cpw.state.co.us/Documents/Hunting/BigGame/Statistics/RockyMountainBighornSheep/2017SheepDrawRecap.pdf Good luck, HT'ers!
  20. cedahm

    Colorado Parks And Wildlife Financial Sustainability Bill HB17-1321

    Apologies if this has been posted elsewhere - Introduced 4/5 Link: http://leg.colorado.gov/bills/hb17-1321 Text: http://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/documents/2017A/bills/2017A_1321_01.pdf I'm not the best at reading these, but it looks like recommendations are: - 50% increase to...
PEAX Trekking Poles

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