Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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    Seek Outside 4 man Tipi

    Seam sealed from factory Tent stakes Carbon pole Only setup in the yard. My wife vacuumed the bag up in my man cave. $675 shipped - pay venmo, ect..

    7 years

    Ive took part in alot of hunts and helped kill/packout bulls that most guys dream of. This year, i drew a MT tag with hopes to have a chance to put down a good one for myself. We ended up losing my Dad to a stroke this year in May. Life just hasn’t been the same since then. I was really...

    Solo ID bull

    Well the hunt came and went… (i drew a controlled archery tag first time ever applying in Idaho). Drove 20 hours to idaho, packed in 8 miles, spotted a couple shooters close to camp that were rutting good. Glassed one of the bulls alone the next morning in a hell hole 800’ below me. I told...


    Heading west toward MT this AM. Rolling solo for a week or however long it takes! Goodluck to all the mountain brothers this year.. As f*cked up as our world is, im confident that fire water, bugles and some thin air will cleanse any dirty soul. Hike hard you guys🤘

    AZ Late Muzzleloader


    11 month wait

    Well, i just left the house. Trucks loaded up, heading west! Packing in 9 miles today for MT archery elk opener. Been a long off season for my whole family/wife especially..... goodluck to everyone! Thanks for the entertainment and knowledge swapping we’ve done over the past year.. hoping to...

    New season - Gen tag

    Im on my 6th general tag in MT this year. Can anyone tell me what unit, drainage, (pref. Road) a guy can find a 350” bull. On public ground. Im not picky.. just want a fair chance. Feel free to PM me. I want to fling arrows.. hoping to draw a sheep tag this year too so i may not have time to use...

    Kifaru 8-man tipi/stove

    Selling my 8 man, comes with pole,stakes, medium box stove, and liner. Great tent. Just down sizing to bivy hunt. $1,550 + buyer pays shipping. Call or text for pictures! 701-260-5332

    Kenetrek Mtn. Extreme 10.5

    Selling a pair of Kenetreks. Great shape.. 100’s of miles left. Recently sent into Kenetrek for inspection and to have them give a once-over. Over 3/4 tread. I can send pics upon request. I have 2 other pairs, looking to part with one. Call with any questions. Thanks...

    Keeping and edge...

    This year has been great.. many memories made and more to come. I am a firm believer in a sharp Buck Knife. Ive used many diff options over the years and have come to love my havalons for the more detailed caping ect.... but ill never shade away from a solid buck knife for dressing, deboning...

    Kuiu Alpine Pants - verde 1.0/34 waist

    Selling brand new/never used kuiu alpine pants. Asking $130.. running through paypal. Any questions let me know.

    Alaska DIY Brown Bear - Papa Bear Adv.

    Hey guys, thought i would drop a line and see if anyone has done fly-in/drop hunts with papa bear adventures/steve powers. After a successful moose hunt a couple family members had (4 bulls, and a black bear) last year with steve, we decided to set up another hunt the following year/2017. We...

    All about burns......

    So i thought it would be a good thread for ppl to post up some of their experiences with hunting burns. Since season is right around the corner, and my life is totally consumed with "chasing the majestic" ... Info, stories, pro's, con's, would be good to hear other ppl's experiences. This...

    Billings MT Scroundrel :(

    Well after hunting archery opener south of Bozeman, and not having any vocal elk, we decided to pack up and save vaction days for the "screamin" days. Headed home (west) and stopped in Billings for a steak dinner and a warm bed at a family memebers house. Woke up the next morning feeling...

    Elk - unit 362 Montana

    Hey guys... New to the forum! Thought i would first start with whats on my mind. Just wondering if anyone has input (good/bad/ugly) on MT elk unit 362. Areas/info anything to do with elk numbers over there, migration during late season, early season archery? Im well aware of the grizz numbers...