New CVA Accura lr-x. Opens very hard after shooting 100 grains of 777. Is this because it is pushing the primer back?? Using federal 209's. Opens ok with 90 grains.
So bought a brake for my Acura LR. Wanted to put more powder in and have the wife shoot it with less recoil. Nope, bad groups after I put it on. So being this close to deer season and wanting to use it I just went back to the load already shooting good. 3 30 grain 777 pellets and a federal 270...
I am somewhat interested in a suppressor. But I want to set it up so my wife, son and grandsons can also use it. My grandsons are to young to hunt yet, oldest just turned 8. Can I put them on the paperwork so when they get old enough to hunt they can use the suppressor??
So I have always put tape on the end of the muzzle to protect from rain/derbies going down it. I now have a couple rifle that have threaded ends and have a couple muzzle breaks. My questions is if you tape a muzzle break does it affect accuracy?? Its so cold and windy at home I haven't tried...
So when you measure the bullet with the ogive do you push it into the freebore and to the lands or not? Having issues with a rifle like never before. Shot today 5 round and the 6th the bolt didn't want to close to I stopped and went to eject it. I had to strike the bolt with my hand but it came...
I tow a 16 foot enclosed trailer for hunting. With everything in the back of the truck box (coolers/ice/chains/misc stuff that one may need quick access to) then the stuff in the trailer. Makes it squat 2-3 inches. Usually not a big deal but at night everyone thinks high beam are on. I don't...
I just switched out a barrel on my 7mm rem mag. I'm also load testing for a 300 win mag. Using the same box (or boxes) of primers, CCI mags. I can once in a while hear a delay in the firing in the 7mm, snap/boom almost like a muzzleloader. Never had it happen in the 300 win mag. Re-checked my...
I have a bunch of old antlers that were laying around. I want to try and do something with them. They however do not look the best, dirty and dull. Any tips on cleaning them up? Anything I should NOT use?
Going to sell a 4-16 x 50 vortex viper scope, can't seem to find a model # on it anywhere. Has what appears to be a serial number on the bottom of the scope or it that the model # Has 1/4 MOA adjustments. Any idea's as to the model??
I have a used Vortex high country tripod with 1 quick change plate for sale. Asking $45.00 US shipped to US, pay pal only. Has handling marks but other than than in nice working order
Dreaming big this much room does a nice (280-320) bull elk cape take cooler and ice wise?? If I score on one I am planning on cooling the cape overnight then putting it in a garbage bag then putting it in a cooler with ice to hopefully keep it from slipping. I do plan on having...
So going into the draw this season I have 6 points in Wyoming, my hunting partner has 3. So if we go together it a 4.5 average. But I'm 61 he's 35. I am looking at units and it seems the better units take lots more points or a hunt in the wilderness areas with a guide or a guided hunt period. I...