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  1. T

    Hard to open after a shot

    New CVA Accura lr-x. Opens very hard after shooting 100 grains of 777. Is this because it is pushing the primer back?? Using federal 209's. Opens ok with 90 grains.
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    muzzleloader brake

    So bought a brake for my Acura LR. Wanted to put more powder in and have the wife shoot it with less recoil. Nope, bad groups after I put it on. So being this close to deer season and wanting to use it I just went back to the load already shooting good. 3 30 grain 777 pellets and a federal 270...
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    Antelope meat?

    Anybody make hamburger out of antelope trim?? If so did you add any other meat to it?
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    Suppressor questions

    I am somewhat interested in a suppressor. But I want to set it up so my wife, son and grandsons can also use it. My grandsons are to young to hunt yet, oldest just turned 8. Can I put them on the paperwork so when they get old enough to hunt they can use the suppressor??
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    Hornady CX bullets

    Anybody shoot anything with these bullets yet?? Performance?? Do they like jump like a Barnes?
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    taken off

    taken off
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    Muzzle break, do you cover while hunting??

    So I have always put tape on the end of the muzzle to protect from rain/derbies going down it. I now have a couple rifle that have threaded ends and have a couple muzzle breaks. My questions is if you tape a muzzle break does it affect accuracy?? Its so cold and windy at home I haven't tried...
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    To the lands or just the start of the throat??

    So when you measure the bullet with the ogive do you push it into the freebore and to the lands or not? Having issues with a rifle like never before. Shot today 5 round and the 6th the bolt didn't want to close to I stopped and went to eject it. I had to strike the bolt with my hand but it came...
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    New elk camp!!!!

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    I tow a 16 foot enclosed trailer for hunting. With everything in the back of the truck box (coolers/ice/chains/misc stuff that one may need quick access to) then the stuff in the trailer. Makes it squat 2-3 inches. Usually not a big deal but at night everyone thinks high beam are on. I don't...
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    Sky 5900?

    Thinking about getting this pack, if you own one can you tell me your pro's and con's. And NO I don't want to hear about any other brand right now!!
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    hang fire

    I just switched out a barrel on my 7mm rem mag. I'm also load testing for a 300 win mag. Using the same box (or boxes) of primers, CCI mags. I can once in a while hear a delay in the firing in the 7mm, snap/boom almost like a muzzleloader. Never had it happen in the 300 win mag. Re-checked my...
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    old antlers

    I have a bunch of old antlers that were laying around. I want to try and do something with them. They however do not look the best, dirty and dull. Any tips on cleaning them up? Anything I should NOT use?
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    Model ? on vortex viper

    Going to sell a 4-16 x 50 vortex viper scope, can't seem to find a model # on it anywhere. Has what appears to be a serial number on the bottom of the scope or it that the model # Has 1/4 MOA adjustments. Any idea's as to the model??
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    FS: vortex high country tripod with quick change plate

    I have a used Vortex high country tripod with 1 quick change plate for sale. Asking $45.00 US shipped to US, pay pal only. Has handling marks but other than than in nice working order
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    terrorists now plot to burn our forests
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    dry ice

    does anybody know of a place that sells dry ice in Casper Wyoming ??
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    how much room for a cape??

    Dreaming big this much room does a nice (280-320) bull elk cape take cooler and ice wise?? If I score on one I am planning on cooling the cape overnight then putting it in a garbage bag then putting it in a cooler with ice to hopefully keep it from slipping. I do plan on having...
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    6 points in wyoming, unsure what to do

    So going into the draw this season I have 6 points in Wyoming, my hunting partner has 3. So if we go together it a 4.5 average. But I'm 61 he's 35. I am looking at units and it seems the better units take lots more points or a hunt in the wilderness areas with a guide or a guided hunt period. I...
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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