Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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  1. windymtnman

    Spotting Scope or Telescope to view game?

    Here's my situation and application. I have a ranch surrounded by National Forest, and 13,000 ft. mountain 5 miles from my home. We see Elk and Deer regularly just looking out the window with binoculars. However I'd like to reach out further than with 8 power binoculars and view game...
  2. windymtnman

    Colorado GMu 81 Road & Trail Conditions

    I just got back from a pack trip into the Adams Fork drainage in the South San Juan Wilderness, which is Unit 81. The majority of people heading into this wilderness will be coming in there on Forest Rd. 250. I entered on the Northeastern route, which is where FR250 starts from State Hwy. 15...
  3. windymtnman

    Ute Indian Tribe says "No Wolves in our area"

    Just read a news article where the Southern Ute Indian tribe sent CPW a letter saying that they don't want any Wolves released in the area they have some legal jurisdiction over. That area is a huge chunk of land in S.W. Colorado, and the tribal rights emanate from the 1874 Brunet Agreement...
  4. windymtnman

    Colorado Rifle Deer Season for "Above Timberline Only"

    With the upcoming April 4th draw deadline approaching, I decided to look into my options of trying to get a Buck tag for a rifle season. I know that I need at least 3 preference points to even have a chance to get a tag, and even then it's not a given. But what caught my eye, is a rifle season...
  5. windymtnman

    3 Bucks in your truck, parked in front of a bar.

    Imagine having these bucks in your pickup truck, and sitting in a bar, waiting for the conversation to start. Hahahahha...
  6. windymtnman

    Did Colorado shorten the 2023 1st Rifle & 2nd Rifle Season?

    A nonresident friend of mine called me tonight, because he already has to commit to his 2023 vacation dates. He told me he saw where Colorado came out with their 1st and 2nd rifle season dates, and 1st rifle was from Oct. 14th to the 18th. 2nd Rifle was from Oct. 28th to Nov. 1st. Does...
  7. windymtnman

    The collapsable tent stoves. Are they any good?

    I have a stainless steel Winnerwell wood stove for my wall tent. It is super quality, strong, and only weighs about 35 lbs. It will fit in my pack panniers on a mule. Since I bought it, I'm now seeing wood stoves advertised that breakdown, and collapse into a really small space. They weigh...
  8. windymtnman

    Colorado's State Trust Lands

    If you're a Colorado resident, you probably already know about Colorado's State Trust Lands. Basically, they are often very good game habitat that is owned by the State, but not necessarily open for public use. Some are, but many are not. Where I live, many of these land tracts are a full...
  9. windymtnman

    Elk Tracks in the snow: Fresh or Old?

    So, I've been trekking around the National Forest, which has about 4" of fairly new snow. Obviously, I pay attention to the ground sign, and try and evaluate what's fresh and what's not so. With temperatures down below 22 degrees at night, everything is frozen. I'm running into snow that's...
  10. windymtnman

    You'll get a charge out of learning how to keep Bears from stealing your carcass before you get it packed out.

    Here's a video showing how to keep da Bears from stealing your meat. Just remember to disconnect it before your wife gets ready to pack out some of it for you. Ha...
  11. windymtnman

    Pretty cool find

    This popped up in a Facebook memory from 6 years ago. It was a pretty cool find. I was riding my horse about 3 miles West of the ranch here in the Monte Vista, Colorado area, when I saw what I thought was litter, so I rode over to it thinking I'd pack it out. Well, when I got close to it...
  12. windymtnman

    It's best to check out an Outfitter's reputation before you book a hunt.

    If you're thinking of booking an Outfitted hunt around the Jackson Hole area, you might want to follow this link to see what this man is all about.
  13. windymtnman

    Archery Tech Advice Sought

    I'm looking for advice, or a fix for my problem, so hoping some of you "experts" out there can help me out? I'm probably in a distinct minority here, in that I shoot a compound bow with my fingers, rather than a release. I've tried using a release, and it's just not for me. Can't do it...
  14. windymtnman

    Questions on black powder measure and grains to shoot?

    Please don't laugh or make fun....I'm old you see. Hey, I finally drew a muzzleloading tag for Elk this Fall. I dug out my .54 caliber inline rifle, which I haven't shot since the last time I drew a tag. I got out my "stuff" just now, and realized I can't recall what the calibrations are on...
  15. windymtnman

    Zoleo vs. Garmin Inreach for Satellite Communications ?

    I'm thinking about getting a satellite communicator for the backcountry, as there is no cellular signals where I go. I know a few things about the Garmin Inreach units, but now I hear there's a product called Zoleo communicators, that apparently function in concert with your cell phone? Does...
  16. windymtnman

    My very first Tactacam photo

    After reading the reviews of the Tactacam Reveal X, I bought one. The price is actually cheaper than many, and I wanted one that I could transmit pics to my phone. ( I know you can't do this during hunting season, as it's illegal). The camera is up on the mountain behind my ranch on a...
  17. windymtnman

    For those with wireless game cameras, how well are they working?

    I'm looking into buying a wireless game camera to use at times when hunting season isn't open. (both to stay legal and to avoid thefts). I think I read in a review, that they may need at least 3 bars of signal strength to function in sending photos to my phone? Does that sound about right...
  18. windymtnman

    Tactacam Trail Cameras - Want one!

    Looking to buy a Tactacam brand trail camera. A model with wireless capability. I see they are inexpensive and have great reviews. But I can't find a vendor that has any. They apparently are all sold out. Anyone know who may have them in their inventory?
  19. windymtnman

    Powerbelt bullets are hard to find?

    I drew a muzzleloader permit for Elk this Fall. I've been looking for some high grain weight Powerbelt bullets in .54 caliber, and thus far, it seems like most of the popular vendors that sell ammo don't have them in stock? I guess I can understand some popular ammo being sold out, but...
  20. windymtnman

    Heads for Colorado GMU 80 Hunters

    Perhaps a bit of good news for Unit 80 hunters, but really a bit too soon to say this for sure? That is, this season, thus far, is the wettest one since probably 2015. We've had some timely rains that have enhanced the habitat considerably. I'm not getting much on my game camera on a Spring...
Kenetrek Boots

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