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  1. ShootsManyBullets

    Safe Spaces

    A thread about Cabelas made me realize the travelling hunter faces some real tough choices out on the road when nature calls or a pressing matter comes to the surface. With the season being in full swing it's important to have safe spaces. You know places to stop on your journey to your honey...
  2. ShootsManyBullets

    Super Bowl Squares

    Anyone interested in getting in on a squares game for the SB? I'm running an online game and have some left for tomorrow. Pretty easy to sign in online, review the rules etc., and pay using venmo. They're $25 with quarterly winners. If anyone's interested I can send/share the link.
  3. ShootsManyBullets

    Suggestions for cutting the cord?

    Anyone have good suggestions for replacing cable? We really don't watch much regular TV but I do like a little football and some sports in the fall when I'm not hunting. My wife likes local news and kids like a few cartoons. We've got a smart TV with Netflix and Amazon now.
  4. ShootsManyBullets

    Arizona Results Posted

    Anyone else see what they drew in AZ yet?
  5. ShootsManyBullets

    If you had 10 points in Wyoming where would you go?

    Only goals are to have a good time and have a shot at a wall hanger. 10 points burning a hole in my pocket.
  6. ShootsManyBullets

    Kuiu our new "hunting liason"?

    Is this happening or not happening? Thoughts? Interesting if true.
  7. ShootsManyBullets

    Podcast guest request - Jason Chaffetz

    Seriously Does JC have the stones to really debate this??? Doubtful. Jose could assist - not seriously.
  8. ShootsManyBullets

    Chaffetz Town Hall

    Anyone get to ask Jason about 622? From the "news" it doesn't look like we had a chance to discuss issues. People were worried about tax returns and losing "free stuff".
  9. ShootsManyBullets

    Here's a nice response from a US Senator

    I received this response to my letters to Congress about my views on public lands. Below is the response I received from Jeff Merkley from Oregon. Did someone here write this for Senator Merkley b/c I thought it was pretty good? Thank you for sharing your concerns about privatizing or...
  10. ShootsManyBullets

    Buck Buck Moose

    The Warden got me this book for Xmas at my request for some new venison recipes. Well after breaking it out last week for a couple test runs I have to give it 2 thumbs up. We had some friends over for dinner on Saturday who were quite impressed as well. Looking forward to my next meal
  11. ShootsManyBullets

    Elk Tip Steak Recipes?

    Anyone have a good recipe for elk tip steaks? They're really big cuts like as large as a big pancake and pretty thick. I'm considering soaking them in something with a vinegar and balsamic type marinade to break them down just a little. After that possibly some cold smoke then sear them up...
  12. ShootsManyBullets

    Not just another poacher

    I couldn't make up a more interesting poaching story if I tried
  13. ShootsManyBullets

    Yoder Smokers

    Anyone own one? I'm building an outdoor kitchen and am thinking about buying one and incorporating it as a built in.
  14. ShootsManyBullets

    Poacher gets jail time

    Finally. Another idiot bragging on Facebook gets the investigation started.
  15. ShootsManyBullets

    Ammo Run Again?

    Just when you thought you might be able to get ammo... This happens and all the wingnuts head to Cabelas like it's black friday. Not sure this has much chance of sticking but interesting play nonetheless.
  16. ShootsManyBullets

    What the H is going on in Montana?

    Really people? This is what you pay your elected officials to worry about? I can't stop laughing at the stupidity of this. If it passes I'll never have any reason to go to a Starbucks in your state again...
  17. ShootsManyBullets

    More Poachers Caught ...And people wonder why Oregon's deer herds are struggling.
  18. ShootsManyBullets

    New Pro-Hunting Group

    Anyone a member?
  19. ShootsManyBullets

    HMA Permission apps open today

    Anyone hunted Diamond Lake or Laramie River HMAs? Not sure which one is better
  20. ShootsManyBullets

    Gettin' in shape?

    Seasons are getting closer everyday now. Anyone else dropping a few lbs for the season yet? I've dropped a pant size (10 lbs) and could stand to drop some more. I just like to eat and enjoy an occasional beer or 3 or it would come off faster. Its so hot here that its not very fun to run...
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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