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  1. N

    SOLD 7mm-08 Remington Model Seven Mannlicher

    Sold thank you ! For sale - Remington Model Seven from the custom shop in 7mm-08 with a laminated mannlicher stock. Shoots well, carries even better. A few small scuffs on the stock I’ve noticed before but I can’t even find them to take photos. Finish is excellent, trigger is very good. Planning...
  2. N

    Selling a shotgun or two

    What are anyone's thoughts about the " best" place to sell a shotgun or two? I have a couple of Browning Auto-5's that I will never use and would like to make some room in the safe. I see lots of local gunshops offering to buy guns but the only time I sold stuff there it seemed very...
  3. N

    A question for MT hunters of the early '80's

    Was there a preference system in place for special draws sometime in the early 1980's? I have a friend who has described one but I've never heard anyone else describe such a thing. He stated that it ended sometime around 1983. Just wondering. THank you
  4. N

    Native American opposition to constitutional right to hunt.

    Listening to a story tonight on NPR about the Native American caucus in the Montana legislature they mentioned that they had opposed the effort to a constitutional right to hunt in Montana. I know very little about the proposed constitutional amendment but was curious about this opposition. I...
  5. N

    Politics on the ELK Talk podcast

    I was interested in the political labels discussion on the Elk Talk pod cast this week. In short, as best I recall Corey Jacobson had referred to something as a “Liberal policy” (this was a little unclear) and a listener wrote in to caution him that these labels were not helpful. The listener’s...
  6. N

    Generosity to non-residents

    I’ve been talking to a friend who is constantly complaining that Montana give more tags to non-residents than any other state etc. I am dubious. I’ve also heard Randy talk about the generosity of Wyoming, though that may be changing. Does anyone know of a place where this information is...
  7. N

    Can anyone use this ammo?

    I was looking through ammo and I have some calibers that I don’t even own guns for. If someone can use it great. I am in Helena but travel quite a bit, happy to send it as well if there is an easy way. Make me an offer if anyone wants any of the WBY stuff, it seems odd to offer partial...
  8. N

    Change in MT Evidence of sex requirement

    This may be old news, but a friend pointed out that the MT Regs now list evidence of sex as: Evidence of Sex (MCA 87-6-406) A person who kills a game animal in this state shall retain evidence of sex of the animal with the carcass until it is processed. The provisions of this section do not...
  9. N

    Threading a barrel near Helena

    I have a suppressor in jail and I'd like to get a few rifles threaded so that I am ready when I receive it. The first place I asked said "oh no we won't thread without the suppressor in hand" which seems ridiculous since lots of rifles come that way from the factory, and I know the depth and...
  10. N

    Where to buy plastic newspaper tubes..

    I’m looking to buy some newspaper tubes for marten cubbies. The only ones I see on amazon at $30 + a piece.. any idea where to get them cheaper? Thanks
  11. N

    Ethical question, signs of the future

    So first off, this is in MT, not Arizona, where this is a more settled question, I think... I found a wallow in a secluded meadow on GOogle Earth. While hiking in on a game trail I was surprised to find a game camera in what I thought was an unlikely spot. 400 yards later I came on an atv trail...
  12. N

    My admiration grows for Big Fin

    I just read Randy's write-up on hunting with Llamas and one thing struck me - Marcus shot a bull and Randy didn't. How many hosts and personalities go hunting with their cameramen and then give the camera guy first shot? I've also been watching lots of YouTube videos while in the gym getting...
  13. N

    Toston -Lombard -Clarkston road Sixteeenmile Montana

    Years ago I drove from Belgrade to Helena and crossed a rickety bridge over Sixteenmile Creek. I now understand that the bridge is gone and the ford is physically blocked and posted. I believe this is Turner property. I assumed it was a county road, maybe I was wrong. Anybody know the story? Thanks
  14. N

    Why no elk on the Gallatin crest?

    I spent the weekend with a friend goat hunting in the Gallatins. It had snowed four days before and in the 6 or so miles north of Eaglehead mountain there were a few deer tracks, a black bear, a grizzly and exactly zero elk tracks. It is beautiful country, a grassy plateau, big bowls, plenty of...
  15. N

    Another BMA sign-up story

    So at 6am sharp I dialed the number only to receive a message on the ranch phone that the power and phone were out and the voicemail full. I tried a couple more times between 6 and 6:30 and finally waited until 8:30 when the FWP Region 4 BMA coordinator had office hours. I reported the problem...
  16. N

    257 weatherby and 260 remington brass

    2 boxes 257 weatherby brass in the old boxes. All have been shot at least once, to my knowledge only once, but I can't guarantee it. If you get it and evidence suggests this isn't true I'm glad to take it back or work it out. $40 shipped for both 2 boxes 260 rem. One box remington, one box...
  17. N

    Mixed lot of 7mm-08 ammo

    I've been buying a bunch of 7mm-08 ammo to find one my rifle shoots. Well I found it so if anyone else would like a bunch to try here's your chance. I am in Helena, it's easiest to deliver it though I presume it's sendable by UPS. Buy it all ill make you a good deal. All are in the original...

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