
Search results

  1. G

    Reconyx Representative Needed

    All, My project team is having a very difficult time getting a bulk order of Reconyx game cameras directly from Reconyx and we are hitting a dead end with customer service. Is there a rep on Hunt Talk forums that someone could point me to? I'm just hoping that a representative could help with...
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    Fenwick Rods

    This is a long shot on here as the fishing forum doesn't get near the traffic of other forums, but here goes. I have a one year old Fenwick spinning rod that I received as a gift from my boys last Father's Day. I like the rod a lot but the other week it simply snapped in half under...
  3. G

    Price of Montana Sporstman's License for Youth Hunters

    In looking at the 2022 Montana regs that just came out, I noticed that the Sportsman's license without bear for adults is $62.00 and half that for youth ($31.00). That part makes sense. However, the price for Sportsman's license with bear is $77.00 for both adults and youth. But a youth can...
  4. G

    Feeling Especially Grateful for our Military

    As opening day of archery is set to begin this Saturday in Montana, my boys and I will be out chasing elk around...a time honored tradition in our family. I know that these family traditions would not be possible without the U.S. Armed Forces protecting our freedoms and our land. With the...
  5. G

    Outfitter Permit Expansion in the Elkhorns (HD 380)

    It was recently brought to my attention that Montana Trophy Outfitters has applied to the BLM to expand their permit area by 50,000 acres in the south portion of HD380. Here is a link to the BLM webpage that describes the proposal and has some maps showing the location...
  6. G

    Tree Stand Safety

    I purchased my first hang on tree stand recently and got it put up this last weekend. When in the stand, I found that I did not feel 100% comfortable with just the safety rope attached to the "top" of my safety harness (positioned above my head on the tree). I know it would catch me if I fell...
  7. G

    Vortex Mistake at Factory?

    This is going to sound hard to believe but wanted to throw this out there in case anyone has come across the same thing. I have purchased 3 pairs of 10x42 Diamondbacks in the last 4 or 5 years - one each for myself and 2 of my boys. Not that it matters much but all three pairs were purchased...
  8. G

    Tree stand for elk

    So I've been hunting Montana HD 380 for the last 6 years both as a tag holder (one year) and as a friend to people I have met on the forums and buddies who have drawn. Every year I keep telling myself how awesome it would be to have a tree stand in a couple key areas and so with my oldest son...
  9. G

    Montana Mule Deer District 270

    What are peoples thoughts about me sharing my experience hunting District 270 this fall? Would that be of interest to people? I've never provided a blow by blow account of a hunt on these forums so really don't know the standard protocol. Are place names (drainages/mountains) taboo in a...
  10. G

    Game attraction to camera

    Recently set out my first remote camera and set it to collect video rather than photos. The camera saw no action for the first week but on day 7, a black bear found the camera and spent about 30 seconds sniffing/licking/pawing the camera before growing bored and wandering off. After a week...
  11. G

    Savage Model 11 Trophy Hunter XP

    For the second time in 2 chances, I won a rifle at our local Wild Sheep Foundation banquet. Couldn't have been more thrilled and appreciative to the great folks that run the Montana Chapter and put on a great banquet!! I am not at all familiar with the model and caliber of gun so I was hoping...
  12. G

    Too Much Fun!

    Over the summer I had the good fortune of meeting a new Hunt Talk member (Slade) and sharing my experiences in Montana HD 380. Yesterday I was blessed to join Slade in the mountains and it was more fun than a person should be allowed to have! Do not ever let anyone tell you that a 380 tag is a...
  13. G

    Montana HD 380 - Elkhorn Mountains

    So after 22 years of applying for this tag, my name was finally drawn out of the hat in 2014. Absolutely could not believe my eyes when the drawing results were posted online!! It's something you begin to think will never happen. Although I live in Helena and look out my back window at the...