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  1. dcopas78

    My son's first buck and doe

    Last weekend was Ohio's youth gun season and my son capitalized with his first doe and buck. He got the doe Saturday morning and the buck Saturday evening. It was a great day! He, my dad and I leave Wednesday for a rifle coues deer hunt in Arizona.
  2. dcopas78

    Question about Coues deer...UPDATE

    My dad and I drew our rifle tags for the December 1-10 hunt in a unit we hunted archery a few years ago. We saw lots of bucks with some rut activity while we were there. My question is; is it likely that the deer will still be in the general area? I know rut activity is unlikely but I am not...
  3. dcopas78

    First bird for my son

    My son got his first gobbler this past weekend during the Ohio youth season. 23 pounds, 10.5 beard, 1 1/8 spurs. It was a quick but certainly a exciting hunt and a memory neither of us will soon forget!
  4. dcopas78

    My nephew Ashton's buck...

    It's been a while since I posted anything on here but I just wanted to share this with you all here. My nephew Ashton harvested this buck this past weekend during the youth gun season for Ohio. He lives and breathes hunting. My brother had been hunting this deer for the past 2 seasons and has...
  5. dcopas78

    And yet anther hobby....

    My wife says I'm as varied as the wind direction...I say I simply can't sit still or stay inside too long! Anyways, my son wanted a metal detector for Christmas because he saw someone on YouTube find something cool with one. I broke out my old one and started poking around the yard off our...
  6. dcopas78

    Three generations.....

    Opening day of the spring turkey season in Ohio with three generations of Copas boys hitting the woods.
  7. dcopas78

    Prayers please..UPDATE

    The city administrator that I work with, Tyler, suffered a brain hemorrhage this morning and is currently in a coma. The doctors can't operate due to location, and his prognosis is not good. He needs a miracle. I've worked with many different administrators over the years, and he has been the...
  8. dcopas78

    Nearly that time again....UPDATE

    Checked one of my early spots...still a little early. This one was up but that is all I could see. I'm sure there are more hidden under the leaves.....next weekend should be good. About 30 yesterday morning. Really fresh and just starting up
  9. dcopas78

    Saturday night eats

    One of my favorite things to make and eat is chile verde. We have a pork butchered every year and I always request shoulder steaks just for this recipe. I've made it a few different ways, but I've found this one to be one of my favorites. I also get all of my posole and green chile from them...
  10. dcopas78

    RIP Tony Rice

    Just saw that Tony Rice had passed away. Growing up listening to bluegrass, I became a big fan of his over the years. I believe he is unrivaled as a bluegrass picker. I actually met him when I was in college. I took some Appalachian studies class and guitar classes as electives. John Simon...
  11. dcopas78

    Ohio Game Warden shot

    A game warden was shot while on an investigation yesterday. He used to be the county warden for my home county and I've known him for several years. My dad, being a taxidermist, usually deals with the wardens quite often so we meet all of them. Kevin is a stand up guy and has always been fair...
  12. dcopas78

    Free deer and a good helper

    My son and I spent the afternoon working up a deer that my dad's neighbor shot and gave to us. Since we have plenty of steaks, roasts, and burger, we decided to make all jerky, snack sticks, and stew meat out of this one. It was a young buck, probably 160# on the hoof. We ended up with 16#...
  13. dcopas78

    Big buck alert

    This buck was brought in to my dads taxidermy shop today. 223" green score. It was harvested about 3 miles from my house.
  14. dcopas78

    Wyoming muledeer hunt

    Dad and I just got back today from our Wyoming deer hunt. Conditions were tough with it being warm and dry. We saw several bucks, including a nice 150-155 class buck that we saw twice but both times he was right up next to a county road, one time he would have been legal for us to take since...
  15. dcopas78

    The last 20...

    Spent some time today loading up the last 20 rounds of ammo for dad's gun, finished up mine earlier this week. We both have 50 rounds each ready to go to Wyoming. Hopefully, we only need two each...one for a buck and one for a cow elk.
  16. dcopas78

    Update - Thoughts/prayers requested

    I'm now sitting at home in quarantine awaiting covid19 results. I actually posted on one of the other threads about sore legs which I attributed to not using my insoles in my new boots. Well the next morning I was so stiff that I could barely make it downstairs to the bathroom. I still didn't...
  17. dcopas78

    Raising some coturnix

    This is our first attempt at hatching and raising quail. We have raised egg and meat chickens for many years. I've been looking at raising quail for a while and finally made the investment in cages, a quail only incubator and equipment. My hope is to have 5-8 sets of breeders/egg producers...
  18. dcopas78

    Cool Bull Elk Story..

    https://go.usa.gov/xwrCS?fbclid=IwAR3zYTYmkcJmzE70N5FFmTPy2VOyMSs1RatR5LaxBjcchMPGheXA-6ZRmsA A happy ending for a lucky hunter and his magnificent bull.
  19. dcopas78

    Something for the smoker....

    This bird strutted the same area too many times this week. He wouldn't come in to the calls, but sure did like to strut his stuff. Figured out his pattern, and ambushed him this morning. Love it when a plan comes together! Going in the brine in a little while and got a date with the smoker...
  20. dcopas78

    Dad's Ohio whooper

    Dad and I both have had the good fortune to take some big birds in Ohio over the years but this one takes the cake. He has killed several double beard turkeys over the years but this is the first triple beard. 11", 8.5", and 5" - 1.5" spurs, 24 pounds.
Caribou Gear

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