Search results

  1. Jorgy

    Wisconsin Orange Army

    Good luck to all my Wisconsinites for rifle season. I am headed to the northwoods (rusk county) this afternoon and can't wait for Saturday morning. Good friends, good hunting weather, good food and drinks, and lots of time watching squirrels and remembering all the good times hunting/fishing...
  2. Jorgy

    Wisconsin Wolf Hunt - Apply Now

    Well, that escalated quickly. Gets your applications in. 50% random draw, 50% pref points, and maybe 50% tags going to native americans. I am excited to see some wolf hunting in Northern Wisconsin. Good Luck to everyone applying
  3. Jorgy

    Wisconsin Rifle Season

    It's almost here! My buddy pulled the pix from my game camera from the last 2 days. Got some bucks on camera, that makes me super excited. I picked my stand to stay away from everyone so I could take a few does for the freezer. I will hold off on that hoping to see that big fella. Knowing...
  4. Jorgy

    Wisconsin Cow #13 Article in today's paper about Wisconsin Cow #13 from the original elk introduction to Wisconsin in 1995, she just died this April. 24 years old. Wow.
  5. Jorgy

    Wyoming Mule Deer from Cheeseland

    Had a good trip to Wyoming. Hunted public land zone b hard for 5 days. This is the first time I have ever had a real thought of "I'm not shooting anything smaller than a decent 4x4" I'm very happy with any venison that comes my way normally. But with a pocketful of Wisconsin deer tags, I can...
  6. Jorgy

    Big Foot In Colorado

    I'm, going to need some time stamped picture of when Cushman arrived in Montana for the spring bear hunt, I think I could solve this pretty quick :) COLORADO: HUNTER CLAIMS HE WAS SEXUALLY...
  7. Jorgy

    Best way to sell guns?

    I am pretty good at buying firearms, but have never sold one. I will be moving sometime this summer and am thinking of selling a few guns that haven't been hunting for 20 or so years. I don't want to go the pawn store route and not get close to fair market value, and gun shows really aren't my...
  8. Jorgy

    Co Spring Turkey Limited Posted

    CDOW now has the spring limited turkey drawing posted wife and I were both unsuccessful, but I knew we would be. Over the counter for us, it will be the wife's first turkey hunt if I can get her out.
  9. Jorgy

    Need some Wisconsin Help

    Wisconsin guys OMG has Wisconsin DNR regs change since I moved on '93 so I am going to be in Wisconsin for Thanksgiving, and I was looking at taking my kids deer hunting for a completely different hunting experience. What I can't figure out is if when I buy a tag, it come with a buck and doe...
  10. Jorgy

    Colorado Cow Moose

    OMG, colorado back door says I drew my moose tag! This is the first year I finally said screw it and gave up drawing a bull tag, so it will be a cow moose tag for unit 42 (as long as back door holds up) Finally figured I could either hold out in hopes of drawing a bull tag before i die, or...
  11. Jorgy

    Distracting Turkeys

    The last few years I have been working on becoming a turkey hunter. Trying to find them, trying to figure out how to get close, all those fun things that are turkey hunting in Colorado. Finally this last fall I shot my first turkey, a hen, while not turkey hunting, but deer hunting. You have...
  12. Jorgy

    Wisconsin Proposed Gun Ban

    a few years back my Wisconsin buddies gave me so much crap about Colorado's gun ban. I heard things about how that would never happen in Wisconsin...........well, here you go. Hope you have better luck than us in Colorado with what I consider stupid restriction. Highlights of what...
  13. Jorgy

    Pop Up Blinds

    So, I've never used a pop up blind, or a portable blind (whatever they are called) I've been watching a really nice buck come out in a field that is split between public and private and there is nowhere on the public side to conceal myself. So, if I were to buy a pop up blind, does it have to...
  14. Jorgy

    Public/Private Roads

    I have been googling around the net trying to find a "easy" answer for Colorado and cannot find one. How do you know if a road is public or not? I have always followed the rule I was taught that if it has a number or name and it's on the map, it's public. I have been a number of places...
  15. Jorgy

    Montana public land per unit

    Does anyone have a link to anything that shows Montana public land per unit. I am doing prelim planning on a 2016 deer hunt with a few buddies and am starting my research. I can look at Montana's Hunt Planner and get a general idea, but am looking for something that gives percentage or acreage.
  16. Jorgy

    Co Lighted Nocks Legal

    for all the lighted nock haters out there - they are now legal in Colorado. Another 10-15 years maybe i can use a no magnification scope on my muzzleloader during the muzzleloader season.
  17. Jorgy

    Home alone?

    I work from home so I don't get alot of visitors, so I was surprised when all of a sudden something was outside one of my windows in my office and it wasn't a dog. I've always tried to figure out if animals can see through a window or they just see the glass and can't see past it. She had no...
  18. Jorgy

    Trail Camera Advice

    I have been thinking of getting a trail camera for awhile now to use in my backyard to see what comes through at night. We see deer alot, but mostly in the winter months only. Last night at 3am we had the biggest mule deer I had ever seen in person outside my patio door driving my dogs crazy...
  19. Jorgy

    Co 3rd Season

    So with all of the pictures of nice deer/elk/antelope I thought some of you guys need to see what a eater buck looks like:D Opening morning was cold and rainy. I was at my spot at 6am, 7:30 was sunrise. Being dark clouds were above you couldn't see much until after sunrise. Not much was...
  20. Jorgy

    WY draw odds question

    So it's a nice rainy day so I'm doing some research on wyoming and have a question about their draw odds. The are a few different breakdowns for non-residents. They have both a preference points list, and a random list with different quota's listed. Can someone explain to me what the...