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  1. wtrfwlhunter

    Building a 280AI

    Building a 280 AI of a savage 111 action with a criterion heavy sporter contour 1:9 barrel. Will have a VX-5 on top of it. Would appreciate stock suggestions that will match with this contour. Or any suggestions that you guys who have built rifles have for me as this will be my first go at...
  2. wtrfwlhunter

    FS: Vortex Diamondback Tactical

    Vortex Diamondback Tactical 4-16x44 for sale. It is 2 years old and has been lightly used. Only selling because the scope wasn’t the right fit for the rifle it was on. Some light scuffs but otherwise in good condition and perfect working order. Asking 450 OBO. Retails for $580. Located in...
  3. wtrfwlhunter


    Want to buy an inreach for Upcoming Alaska goat hunt. Been pinching Pennie’s pulling gear together for this, hoping to get one used to save some coin. Let me know what you got, thanks!
  4. wtrfwlhunter

    Need some load development opinions

    I’m new to reloading and have been working on a load for my 300 win mag. I did a pressure test, and then have more or less been following optimal charge weight method. Gun: Tikka T3x roughtech ember with about 100 shots through the barrel Components: Ramshot Hunter Powder, Peterson Brass, 180...
  5. wtrfwlhunter

    Sell me on some rings

    Just purchased a Tikka T3x Roughtech Ember in .300 win. mag, going to top it with a Leupold vx3i 4.5x14 40 mm objective. Anyone on here got an opinion on what rings should go on this thing? I have zero faith in the opinion of people behind the gun counter around here. Reading online I’m seeing...
  6. wtrfwlhunter

    New bow sight for next year

    Anybody have suggestions for what sight I should put on my bow? I picked up archery hunting last year and had a tru-glow three pin sight set at 20-30-40. Hunted a ton for deer and elk, came close to some elk and Ended up shooting a mule deer buck holding on the back at about 50 yds. After...
  7. wtrfwlhunter

    Kodiak Mtn Goat

    I’m lucky enough to have a brother who is an AK resident officially as of this year. We are lining up a Kodiak mountain goat hunt and obviously we are extremely excited. I’ve done a ton of research on what’s available, but of course am looking for every bit of info or experience so can get my...
  8. wtrfwlhunter

    Help Setting up my GF’s rifle

    Looking for some advice here. I don’t know much about about the specifics of setting up rifles and the people working local gun stores seem to know just about as little as I do. My girlfriend bought a Ruger American and Vortex Diamond Back 4x16x44 scope. It’s mounted on the guns picatiny rail...
  9. wtrfwlhunter

    WTB rifle scope and Nikon Binos

    In the market for a Nikon Monarch 7’s or HGs. I’d also really like to put a new rifle on my scope before season gets here, open to options please let me know what you guys have laying around.
  10. wtrfwlhunter

    First Archery Buck

    After picking up my dads old bow over the winter I started shooting archery earlier this summer, my only goals for this season were to hopefully have some encounters with rutting elk and to harvest a whitetail doe. I have a three pin sight 20-30-40 and spent most of my time practicing there. I...
  11. wtrfwlhunter

    White birds North of Great Falls

    If you know, you know. I’ve got a couple questions about hunting out there, nothing spot related…If someone would be willing to chat with me a bit shoot me a PM.
  12. wtrfwlhunter

    Dog Food

    I normally feed my dog Purina Pro Plan Sport, but with the recent complete lack of Purina foods I’m being forced to find a different option. Even other brands are spotty to find consistently now, I’m trying to settle on something and wanted to get others opinions on what they are feeding their...
  13. wtrfwlhunter

    Savage 111 Stock Bolt Torque

    This winter I was shooting my Savage .270 and the factory stock cracked. It was the original cheapo and the gun is over 10 years old so it was probably about time. I just got a Hogue Fully Bedded stock in as a replacement. I’m searching for how much torque should be applied to the bolts that...
  14. wtrfwlhunter

    New gun on the horizon

    Lining up a new rifle for next season..I think I’ve got it narrowed down to a 28 Nosler or 300 RUM. Looking for opinions here good bad or anywhere in between as I’m not too much of a gun geek myself. What I want out of this next gun is something I can confidently shoot in cross-canyon...
  15. wtrfwlhunter

    Montana Harvest Statistics

    I’m sure most of you who hunt Montana have looked into the harvest statistics that they publish yearly. I’ve got to say, if these numbers are accurate the deer harvest in Region 3 is actually pathetically low. I have mostly hunted the same unit the last 5 years plus and therefore haven’t looked...
  16. wtrfwlhunter

    A Season of Firsts

    At one point a couple weeks ago I was telling a friend that I hadn’t been out hunting as much as I would have liked this fall. Which is only partially true, I hunted more in September than I ever have before this year - mainly for grouse, but I was also fortunate enough to put a tag on a bear my...
  17. wtrfwlhunter

    Montana LE Mule Deer

    I generally see or hear little to no discussion regarding the premier mule deer units in Montana. Considering the odds are so low as it stands I’m hoping this thread can be opened up to general conversation regarding herd strength, winter range, or any other news in these units. That being...
  18. wtrfwlhunter

    Tell me why this is a bad idea

    Excluding backpack hunts, for weekend hunting I’ve pretty much always just hunted from the house on day trips or slept in the back of the pickup on solo missions. I realized this year that hunting from the house with family and friends wastes a ton of energy if you plan on hunting Both days of...
  19. wtrfwlhunter

    Montana CC/charge Question

    Just realized my CC expires this month. Im pretty sure that means I can use it until the end of the month. My question is, will Montana still award me a MSG tag if my CC is expired and allow me to pay for it a different way? anybody have advice on this?
  20. wtrfwlhunter

    California Public Gobbler

    My girlfriend has been really excited about the thought of hunting turkeys this year. She picked out the spot and did most of the research work and I stood back and helped / offered advice when needed. Well last week the weather turned a little warmer here in the foothills and the turkeys...
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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