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  1. D

    Black Bears in South Dakota.

    If I were to tell you we are seeing black bears every now and then in the very northwest corner of South Dakota where would you guess they are coming from?
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    Displaying Antique Rifles

    I'm looking for ways to display 3 antique rifles in my man cave. It would be best if they could not be snatched off of the wall and stolen easily. Go!
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    Hand carved duck decoy question.

    Does anybody know anything about this decoy, the maker and is it worth anything?
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    Could you help this school out?

    I am a school board member of a little school in the northwest corner of South Dakota and was wondering if anyone would be willing to help this teacher and class out. If so much appreciated.
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    Rifle jam and bear attack.

    If you want to go down this rabbit hole with me start at the 16:25 mark. Long story short shoot a brown bear a couple of times and your rifle jams. Bear figures out where you are and comes for you. You hide behind some rocks nearby and shoot the bear at 5 yards with the pistol. At the end of the...
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    Scope mounting recommendations for Browning X Bolt Long Range

    For those of you that have a Browning X Bolt Long Range rifle what did you use to mount you scope with? Did you use the rail or the base/rings from Browning? I have never used a rail before. Is there an advantage going one way or the other? The scope will be a Leopold VX 5HD 3–15x44 CDS ZL2
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    Northeast Montana (Westby) home inspectors and trailer house movers.

    This is probably a long shot and I'm not even sure what section to put it under but looking for some recommendations. We have found a pretty nice and reasonably priced double wide in Westby Montana. Does anyone recommend or know of house inspectors and/or people that would move a double wide...
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    A pretty good day.

    Before we get started a couple of thanks to know. I am paralyzed from the neck down and on a ventilator. I have a platform that fits under the cushion of my wheelchair that holds a shooting rig for my rifle. There is a joystick on the shooting rig to move my rifle up and down and left and...
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    Looking for a recommendation please. A friend is looking to get a new scope for a rifle. She has a 25–06 and probably not shooting more than 300 yards. What size do you recommend? This is for deer and antelope.What do you know about Hawke scopes? She has looked through some and likes them...
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    Spotting scope window mount

    Any of you have recommendations on a good window mount to use with a spotting scope? Anyone have any recommendations of a brand to absolutely stay away from? I've been looking around and they're anywhere from $30 and up and was wondering if there's much of a difference in your experience.
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    Temperature change and accuracy question

    Realistically how much does the temperature have to change to make your accuracy change? For example if I zeroed my rifle when it was 30° out would I see much different when it is 50° out? From my understanding the warmer the temperature the hotter the powder burns making your shot go higher...
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    Meat Eater Cookbook

    Has anybody purchased the Meat Eater Cookbook? If so would you recommend it? Any other wild game cookbooks you folks would recommend?
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    Hunting elk in a drought.

    I was fortunate enough to draw a Montana cow elk license in 705 and will be hunting from a wheelchair on private land I have permission on. It has been so dry in this area that the hay fields that the landowner thought I would be able to sit on and have a chance at an elk are brown and dying...
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    What is this worth?

    What is very lightly used 2 year old Leopold VX5 HD 2–10x40 30mm Duplex CDS realistically worth?
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    Hawke Rifle Scopes

    Do any of you have experience or know anything about Hawke rifle scopes? I was thinking about putting one on a .17 HMR just to have something to mess around with. For you that have a .17 HMR what zero do you have it at?
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    Tikka or Bergara

    What would make the better 22–250 and why? This would be for prairie dogs, varmints and just messing around. Tikka T3X Lite or a Bergara Hunter. I found one of each in comparable price ranges but have no experience with either. Anything else in that category I should be looking at?
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    Abundance of game.

    While I was antelope hunting the last few days I've never seen so many predator and prey animals out at the same time. Seeing coyotes running around the pasture right amongst the antelope in broad daylight with tons of grouse in the same area is pretty fun to see. Not to mention all of the deer...
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    Rifle for the ranch.

    What would you guys and gals recommend for a rifle to just bang around the ranch with to shoot coyotes and such when out checking cattle in the pickup or side by side? I don't want anything fancy and expensive but rather tough and durable. It won't be abused but dang sure used and bounced...
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    Wyoming elk unit 33

    Have any of you been in unit 33 in Wyoming the last couple of years? How was it and how did you do? How is the elk population and what is the trophy potential?
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    What rite to get.

    I'm looking at getting a new rifle and here is the situation. I am in a wheelchair and paralyzed from the neck down and on a ventilator. I have a shooting rig that connects to my wheelchair that I can steer with a joystick using my chin and when I am ready to shoot I suck on a straw that is...

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