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  1. fishing4sanity

    Friday Tunes - Music that gives you hope

    Apologies if there's already one up and running, but New Year's is fast approaching. Post up songs that instill some hope or that tie into those New Year's resolutions (that usually die soon after).
  2. fishing4sanity

    Precision Rifle Series

    Last month we (my sons and I) hosted another 2-day match for the PRS. These rifles are a bit different from your typical hunting rifle, but a lot of fun! The match winner was Nick Gadarzi, he's been having a great year so far. Here are a few pics and a video of the match.
  3. fishing4sanity

    No Moose for Me

    When I started applying the odds seemed like I had a chance, now those odds seem slim and proved to be so again. Anyone have better luck than me?
  4. fishing4sanity

    Cellular Trail Cameras

    Looking for recommendations/advice on cellular trail cameras. I don't need them to spot game, I need them to spot two-legged vermin. It's more of a security issue for a shooting range with no power. I'd like to get notified when someone is out there due to recent vandalism and theft. Looking for...
  5. fishing4sanity

    Swarovski STC / ATC spotter

    I've read another thread about this new spotter on here, but was looking for additional/newer insights on these spotters. I have an older Leupold GR 12-40x60 that I like, but I'm thinking about trying the Swaro STC 17-40x56 and passing the Leupold to one of my sons. So, any chance anyone has any...
  6. fishing4sanity

    Elk Calling

    How often do you hear a door, a chair or something else make that certain squeak noise and you're thunken, "that sounded a little like a cow call." I found this Gram post funny and probably too true for myself.
  7. fishing4sanity

    Precision Rifle Series - Night Rimfire Match

    My sons and I have been hosting Precision Rifle Series (PRS) matches for a few years now and decided to host our first night match. Being our first night match and in order to simplify things we went with a Rimfire series match. Distances out to 300 yards, one moving target on a track system we...
  8. fishing4sanity

    Precision Rifle Series June Match

    Earlier this month we hosted a 2-day national PRS match. This is a video we put together as a 'thank you' to the sponsors and the shooters. If you have an interest or curiosity in this type of shooting, give it a look.
  9. fishing4sanity

    WA Pronghorn

    Washington isn't known for its pronghorn, many people who live here don't even know there are any in the state. I doubt I'll even live long enough to get a "not selected" reply on a WA tag application (if they reach a huntable population), but this is the best one I've seen. Rough looking coat...
  10. fishing4sanity

    Friday Music: Even Better With Time / That Didn't Age Well

    Some music we like even more as time goes by, others we find that we now channel surf right on by. A close friend in college listened to Tom Petty insistently, so much so that I didn't care to hear any more of TP. Today, college is a distant memory and I find I enjoy TP more than before. I'm...
  11. fishing4sanity

    Another Rant Thread

    Question for the lawyers/LEOs, is it illegal to set up permanent residence in the left-lane of the freeway? I just got back from a quick trip down and back to Twin Falls. I think over half the traffic from Washington through Idaho was driving in the left lane and refused to move.:mad: If I was...
  12. fishing4sanity

    Old Rifle & Shotgun Question

    I'm hoping to confirm what these old guns are with the experts here. My father-in-law just passed away and my wife and her siblings were asking me what a couple of the guns are that he had. This shotgun was his father's. I'm guessing that due to rough condition and missing hammers and one firing...
  13. fishing4sanity

    Elk with my sons

    My kids are all grown and have their own families now, but hunts with them are still the most fulfilling. My oldest son and I drew tags this year and were hunting some pretty open terrain. A few long stalks ended with elk that just vanished or groups where the bull seemed to get smaller as we...
  14. fishing4sanity

    Oryx & Rocks

    Two years ago I drew my once-in-a-lifetime oryx tag for WSMR (White Sands Missile Range) in New Mexico. This year I drew another tag for WSMR, a broken-horn oryx tag. I've hunted New Mexico three times, prior to this trip it has never worked out to stop at Arches National Park. This time I was...
  15. fishing4sanity

    Friday Tunes / Music: All In The Lyrics

    Sometimes the lyrics make a song, sometimes they ruin a song, sometimes they're just so weird you like it. What song lyrics come to mind for a special event, person, great hunt, etc? I always liked this song and lyrics like 'wind through the barbed wire' and 'frost settles in on the sage' carry...
  16. fishing4sanity

    Things that make you go, hmmmm?

    I was at a range a few days ago and found a rather interesting case. It's a 6GT (not the most common round out there) necked down to a 22GT (even less common). The shoulders are what's really weird. I know a lot of guys that like Ackley Improved calibers, but is this a Dr. Seuss Improved...
  17. fishing4sanity

    Duck Pics

    For those already dreaming of next season.
  18. fishing4sanity

    Snow Geese

    Some snow geese poured into one of the grass fields this evening. No small game license or duck stamp for me this year, so the only shooting was with the camera.
  19. fishing4sanity

    Alberta Deer - Mule & Whitetail

    I got an invite to hunt deer in Alberta from one of the companies we do business with. I think the invite was due mainly to my son helping a couple of their guys with gun issues and rifle builds. Either way, it was a very fun trip and my first time to Canada. We could shoot both a whitetail and...
  20. fishing4sanity

    Oregon Draw Results

    Well it looks like Oregon draw results are out - not selected for my Bighorn tag ...... and I felt so sure this year.;) If you're going to release results on Father's Day, at least give a bonus point for each child and grandchild. Even then the odds would be steep for bighorn, but who knows 15...
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