Caribou Gear Tarp

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  1. onpoint

    Please delete my password

    Joined this forum 2011. Over a couple thousand posts. The vast majority of those concerned the very issues that (one would surmise) concern the average DIY public land hunter. Posted plenty of pics and hunting stories. Been hunting profusely since 1975. Have 20 assorted hunting firearms and...
  2. onpoint

    Firearm maintenance and social distraction

    Have read on the www that it's good to attempt some routine during this new un-routine normal. Late in the afternoon, when POTUS's Covid-19 task force comes on the idiot box, I turn off the tube. I have chosen to instead take care of my sportsman's tools of the trade during this time slot...
  3. onpoint

    Hunting MT sheep with a Nikon (pic heavy)

    Spent the day voyeuristically spying on some of my friends. One sported a hmm-mm😊. Just barely missed the mount pic. I'm no Miller...... One sported a brutally broken horn:oops: Hoped for head buttin' - no such luck. A good day. P.S. Saw many many hundreds of NYE elk scattered allover...
  4. onpoint

    The Gallatin Game Check Station, Big Gubmint Fatcats, and Thanksgiving Dinner for a Whiner

    Somewhere around 20 years ago this very moment, I and another MFWP grunt were sitting staring out the window of the FWP Gallatin Canyon Game Check Station. The rush of Thanksgiving morning hunters had long since checked through and they were home bloated and watching football. My comrade and I...
  5. onpoint

    Voormi coming to Bozeman MT Apparently the Colorado wool company has discovered BozAngeles as a great marketing place. When they open, maybe a few MT concerned hunters can stop in and ask a few pointed questions about the origin of their wool as well as about what...
  6. onpoint

    Public Lands Day

    As Katqanna indicated about 30 posts back, it is Public Lands Day. Not a big deal😏, but seeing as how this is a forum for Public Land hunters(?), here's a few pics. All taken - doing what we on here do - on American Public Lands. Hope some will relate...........
  7. onpoint

    Not about "Women" hunters, simply about a "hunter"...

    Along the lines of the womens hunting experience thread..... And relating to the "women are tough" thread, I agree. My hunting partner, a woman, my wife - is tough. I find it difficult to even refer to my wife as a "woman" hunter. She is just a plain hunter. And a "tough" one. She hunts (read...
  8. onpoint

    Birddogs DO hunt with reckless abandon - sometimes pay a price.......

    Yup, grouse season is indeed here. 8000' feet up the mountain, blues flush from a downed giant dead Doug Fir, dog dives over the log, and F*$# -the yowling and screeching commences. Scarey moment. Assess, pull wood from the wound, assess/treat, calm her down, and we gimp out, back down to the...
  9. onpoint

    Stop and "Smell the Roses"

    As an old washed up retired fisheries biologist, his son, and I floated the Yellowstone yesterday - the dropper hopper hopper dropper float - I managed to snap this with one hand on the oars and the other on the camera (for the young, a device that took photographs before the advent of the...
  10. onpoint

    Ways this pack doesn't suck......

    A while back we - I - had a problem. I hunt with my wife quite a bit. She's a hell of a hunter and hiker but put a pack on her and things just slow down - period. I'm an impatient asshole. This led me to conjure up a way to speed her up and calm me down - and make us hunting together less...
  11. onpoint

    Yet, Again, More Winning.............. Chuck D, the public land sportsmen's/women's buddy from good old UPOM says great for everybody. Judge a man by his associates..................
  12. onpoint

    In Case the Public Land Hunter Potheads have the munchies......

    Tonight on the table - elk steak fajitas. Secret ingredient?.....fresh rasberries from the garden. Dude, don't bogart the salsa...........
  13. onpoint

    Public Lands Pics for Our DOI Chief.....

    Feeling kinda' growly tonight. In Honor of Mr. David Bernhardt, Sec. of the Department of the Interior, his Appointer, and their collective opinions on the best use of our Public Lands............ . Thought maybe I'd post a few photos of my family - American sportsman/women/kids using our Public...
  14. onpoint

    Thanks, Tales, and a cautionary thought from a (ex) MFWP Grunt

    A life's journey that began (actually as a 7 year old with dreams) in 1985, ended 7/31/19. I called quits the career as an MFWP - past laboratory/wildlife - fisheries tech this past Wednesday. I was fortunate enough to have served (as best I could) the Montana hunting and fishing public...
  15. onpoint

    Post Bird Season Outdoor Columnist Piece

    Parker Heinlein, a local newspaper columnist has a nice little "how it feels after bird season ends" ditty. Pretty much mirrors my sentiments, and I'm guessing a few other bird and birddog addicts - except for the eating beef part. Apparently Parker doesn't fill his freezer with elk, deer, and...
  16. onpoint

    Montana 2018 Upland Season's a Wrap

    Nine Below this morning. Waited till the sun burned a tiny bit and sweatered 'em up. Got on some runners immediately. Public land roosters that are still alive are PhD birds now. The runner they were on here lifted off at about 75 yards distant. Pair of hens in that buffaloberry - and that...
  17. onpoint

    Lotsa' Talking While There's Still Hunting To Be Had.......

    In tjones' fashion: I heard a rooster in there, she found the rooster in there, we got the rooster in there. For those who don't hunt birds, don't bother. It's a lotta' work and not much fun chasing dogs and bumbling around in the tuleys - public lands of course....
  18. onpoint

    BHA Journal article on WSA's by Don Thomas

    The current Backcountry Journal has a nice little Don Thomas piece on the status and political shenanigans regarding WSA's - factual, informative, and I happen to agree with his stance. I am an unabashed, unashamed, and vocal advocate of "Wilderness Areas". I Spend a hell of a lot of time...
  19. onpoint

    Gardiner MT Christmas Postcard (Pic Heavy)

    Every December my wife and I make at least a couple trips here to see some nice stuff. Today didn't disappoint. Big game safari. For those who aren't lucky enough to have this in their backyard, enjoy........................................
  20. onpoint

    Sometimes hunters become the hunted.

    You get to see a lot of great things while afield. While hunting birds, came across this sight. Pic quality low - poor early AM light, and a zoomed point and shoot. I think - best guess - that the raptor clutched in the owls talons is a female marsh hawk. Any other opinions/guesses welcome...