Search results

  1. Hatchie Dawg

    North to Alaska

    Well after a little more than 3 years of planning I was able to make a trip to AK for caribou. I've got to thank my wife Toni here as my trips out west are certainly not a necessity. She has always supported me within reason and doesn't fight me over following some of my dreams while I am still...
  2. Hatchie Dawg

    Fairbanks Taxidermy

    Have a caribou hunt scheduled in a couple of weeks and am considering getting bou (if I'm so lucky) mounted up there and then shipped to TN. Looking for recs in the Fairbanks area. Thanks HD
  3. Hatchie Dawg

    VX3i vs VX5

    Probably already discussed but would appreciate a quick revisit with this group of people. I have about $1200 in Cabelas points and cards to burn. I have been considering replacing my VX3i which sits on my Tikka .270 with a VX5. VX5 would have a little more magnification. Lately I've been...
  4. Hatchie Dawg

    Problem Renewing with onX

    Anyone having trouble renewing with onX maps? I've been trying for several days now and keep getting an error message at the end of the process. CC company says the problem is on the onX side. Just wondering. HD
  5. Hatchie Dawg

    From on High

    I was in my forties when I decided to start hunting out west. At that point I had never been further west than east Texas and had not hunted any big game other than white tailed deer. Elk caught my attention first and I still dream about them now at age fifty two. I really don't have a long list...
  6. Hatchie Dawg

    Veteran oriented charities

    Looking for a few recommendations that I might vet for a donation in remembrance of a fallen army vet. Thanks for any help HD
  7. Hatchie Dawg

    A Wyoming Reunion

    Six or so years ago my good friend Pat and I started planning our first antelope hunt by buying a preference point for WY. Neither knew at the time that life would take my good friend of 16 years from next door in Western TN, to just outside of DC. Pat is one of my two best friends in the world...
  8. Hatchie Dawg

    Places to eat in Casper

    Wrapped antelope hunt today and looking for a good place to eat/ celebrate in Casper tonight. Seems like I just saw a thread on this but can’t find it. Any recs? Good steak? Thanks HD
  9. Hatchie Dawg

    A Few Days in TN

    I mentioned in an earlier post that I was a little slow to start deer hunting around home this year and that carried over a bit to duck season. For years duck hunting was my bread and butter. I did not hunt big game and did not miss it. I had and really still have just one duck hunting buddy. We...
  10. Hatchie Dawg

    South Fork Donk

    Well after a successful elk hunt in CO this year I found it hard to get excited about deer season here at home. We had sold a house and moved this fall and I came up with one excuse after another not to go hunting. I missed the muzzy opener here in TN then of all things the rifle opener. The...
  11. Hatchie Dawg

    The Young Man's Way

    I harvested my second elk and first bull in 2015. The hunt was my fourth altogether and truthfully almost a religious experience. The hunt was solo and the details are recorded on this site, but generally at that time, my mindset was such that I was going to throw myself against the task of...
  12. Hatchie Dawg

    Finicky Tikka

    I saved up and got one of the new T3X Superlites in .270. I was planning on taking it elk hunting this fall but not so sure now. Leupold VX3i scope. I'm having trouble finding a load it likes. I've tried 130 gr blue box federals, 140 gr Remington Hypersonics, Honady ELDX in 143 gr (I think)...
  13. Hatchie Dawg

    Tikka T3X free float

    I picked up a Tikka T3X Superlite at Cabelas Bowling Green a couple of weeks ago. I have not shot the rifle. I have a question about the free float on these rifles. I forgot my glasses when I picked the rifle up and I couldn't inspect it fully. When I got it home and put my glasses on I noticed...
  14. Hatchie Dawg

    Public Birds

    Here are a few pics from this season. All taken on public except the first pic. These guys are my best friends and i am lucky to have them Here are a few pics from this morning. We were covered up just before daylight but had to kinda grind em out the rest of the day...
  15. Hatchie Dawg

    Place to eat?

    Not elk hunting this year but will travel to Denver with my wife and neighbor couple. We will leave Denver about 10am the 5th of Oct and head west on 70 to Grand Junction. Are their any recommendations for a good place to stop and have lunch on that route? Appreciate any guidance HD
  16. Hatchie Dawg

    " Well you just go back." journey through elk country

    2011 "It was very cold that night and for the first time I really suffered. I'm not sure if the bag was getting some condensation problems or if it was just the temp but I hardly slept at all. I know it was 8 deg in town and I was well above that. Anyway I was miserable. I got up a little late...
  17. Hatchie Dawg


    I got my daughter's HS soccer schedule over the weekend. She is a senior, and four year starter on a team that has qualified for state the past two seasons making the final 4 last year. Senior Night is Thursday 10/8, the day I was supposed to go up the mountain for first rifle in CO. I had...
  18. Hatchie Dawg

    Public lands resolution stopped

    Got this by email alert a little while ago. We have some good people at work here in TN. Look at number 2. Not the end of the issue but a win for now. HD Good morning! It's been a busy couple of months in public policy related to Tennessee's great outdoors, and we wanted to let you about...
  19. Hatchie Dawg

    CO Elk Harvest

    Thread over on Rokslide discussing a relative low harvest success rate or total harvest maybe, in CO last year vs the past 12 seasons. Various comments there as to why. Any thoughts here?
  20. Hatchie Dawg

    "Big Country"

    I cant seem to let go of my desire to chase backcountry elk out west. The thought of it is almost always on my mind and I don't think there is a day that goes by when elk hunting does not occupy a part of my consciousness in some way. I am wound up with it and will even go so far as to say I am...