Cant stand all the other topics non hunting related so let's talk bear plans. I am planning a 3 night camp off atv hunt in another state this spring that has me pretty excited to plan. Could care less about actual bear being shot but I love camping in spring if I hit weather just right. Locally...
It's that time of year, what's your plans for 25 look like by the numbers. Not point building or generals for residents actual application to draw, all species you normally apply for.
Reading that other thread @Salmonchaser brought up a great and often over looked cartridge that's deserving some love. I load 260 ABs in mine for most animals and that has very simular ballistics to a 30-06. Love the round so let's see some of those 375 pics!
Made the swap, tired of issues with onx and trying out Gaia. So far i like app and map selection is incredible, i really like the topo choices. One thing i noticed so far is i like the way onx shows MVUM roads better but that is likely just going to take getting use to or finding a different...
I hunt oklahoma annually and have for last handful of years. I had heard that they were going to raise NR fees and consolidate license choices this off season. What they did do doesnt match what my resident buddies and rest of our group of predominate DAVs expected. As a NR our deer tag has...
Anyone else stuck in this storm driven mess in one of our airports waiting for flights that just keep getting delayed or changed? Would help a lot if I seen some positive WY sheep/goat/results. Pretty sure I will be in DC airport overnight if I can ever get out of Denver...
Was out shed hunting this weekend, found some great horns. On way back to truck i glassed a lion on a kill in a ditch futher up the hill. Decided i couldnt get close enough to shot with only gun i had (my bear 44) so i made move to hike back out to truck grab the 260rem drop off horns and extra...
Looking at my app and found something in regs that is labeled "new" but cant find any more info about. Link just goes to the outreach page, no DAV mention on that page. If anyone knows please share a reference about program and whats "new". Thanks
Any of you guys?
Super Tag Trifecta: Aaron McCormick, Colorado
Antelope: Dwain Campbell, Wyoming
Deer: Jacob Finn, Wyoming
Elk: Syed Abbas Mehdi, California
Bighorn sheep: Samuel Hays, Texas
Black bear: Gina Thacker, Wyoming
Gray wolf: Jed Labrum, Utah
Moose: Anthony Limbardo, New Jersey...
Many are complaining about costs of tags and expecting even bigger increases in fees and reductions in tag numbers. I have a fun propasal that will never happen but in theory would result in some interesting changes, what do you think.
-When you buy (or drawn) for a NR elk tag you have to...
Thinking a side hustle to offset inflation and tag price increases is needed. I will need to solicit some additional help from fellow HTers as "area experts". Heres my business idea: you send me a youtube hunting video and i tell you where it was filmed if on public lands! You slackasses who...
Search button be dammed, my top 5 things talked about WAY to much on HT.
1) bear guns/spray (and associated holsters)
2) Montana's mis-management
3) tag cost(your still applying!)
4) cooking shanks
5) "dont want honey hole but me, my disabled son and DAV dad need a spot"
Whats some of your...
This is to funny, sturdy stick and rape whistle.
Just wrapped up 23 big game season, i dont tell stories like many here but will share some pics. Weather and hunting pressure both gave me fits at times like never before, ate several tags just being picky. Left late august, only drew 1 good tag and no antelope buck this year only 2nd time in...
Looking to replace rough running 8? Year old sportsman generator that i paid $200 for new. Want to upgrade and leaning towards the honda 2200i but wanted opinions if anyone has one or the simular sized yamaha and generac. Price point on honda and yamaha are $1200, generac is $650 so significant...