@Oak any idea what the heck this step 1 of 1 final policy agenda item is?!?
Final Policy
3.4 (A) Drawing License Limitations for Non-Residents (Step 1 of 1)
Rescinding the Commission policy on Drawing License Limitations for Non-Residents.
My son drew a nanny only tag his first year putting in at 12 years old. He was ultimately unsuccessful on that hunt but found a passion for tough hunts.
This year he drew an either sex tag in the same unit I killed my billy in 2020.
With me having an archery sheep tag and an archery deer tag I...
Can we really not delay the draw application deadline another 2 weeks to have this first?
Great job to the DWM and the public for the tip. Guess he wasn't over-zealous eh @squirrel ???
In lighter news, Gov. Polis has appointed James Jay Tuchton (Laywer for Wildearth Guardians) to the CPW Commission to represent a non-consumptive, non profit on the commission. Interesting choice, not good in my opinion. Some of his notable cases include suing the USFWS for de-listing and state...