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  1. A

    Elk and rain?

    First post here I believe. Hello all. I've got a cow tag for the Cashe unit here in UT. I've been hunting the same area sence the opening of the archery season (deer and elk tag) I know the area and the animals here well, I have never hunted them in day after day of possible rain like the...
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    Cat ?

    Those of you who have harvested mountian lion, or know anything of there habits, I watch the PH's in the dark continent bait leapords with a dead carcase and use the intrails as a drag for a while to get them to the bait. Would this wrk on mounitan lion? I dont know of the legalitys and wat not...
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    Food, inc..

    This is an eye opener, and I will force my my cute little wif to watch it in the hopes she will eat a little more wild game with me and the kids. It is a conspiracy type documentary that picks on the Bush and Clinton administration equaly, but does not realy blame eather. However as you and I...
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    Inglorious Bastards

    I liked it, it kept you going and the acting was top rate. This movie is not for the easily disturbed very graphic and emotional at times. lots of violance....I caught it at the theater but should be out on video soon
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    Original Tote Gote

    I have one comlpete, (except for the front brake handle and cable) six horse toe gote in Northern UT for sale. This bike will run but needs some carb work. I think the float needs to be adjusted and the float bowl gasket replaced. I have tryed to do it but cant get it right, It eather wont get...
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    Help with WF&G web site

    I am going to try and plan some hunting in WY for next season but for the life of me I can not find the map on the fish and game web site that shows the hunt areas. I will be looking into Pronghorn and Deer, and posabile anterless rifle elk.. Any help in finding the (map page) would make my...